Post by j***"The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if
you retire at full retirement age in 2015, your maximum benefit would
be $2,663. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2015, your maximum
benefit would be $2,025. If you retire at age 70 in 2015, your maximum
benefit would be $3,501."
In addition to the fact that you are talking about a handout and not a
benefit, there's more to it than the amounts of the monthly handouts. If
the parasite in your example starts receiving handouts at age 62, at age
70 he will wind up with $36450 in handouts plus whatever interest is
accrued for eighteen years from investing the money. On the other hand,
if the parasite in your example is greedy and defers receiving handouts
until age 70, and if he croaks at age 72, he's lost out on over $30K.
Post by j***@juno.com
Anyone claiming SSDI or SSA retirement benefits are welfare is stupid.
Anyone who denies it is lying to himself.
Post by j***@juno.comIt would be the equivalent to making the claim people who collect
insurance benefits from car accidents, houses burned down, or health
insurance coverage were also on welfare.
Yet the people making those
claims do file health insurance claims, make other insurance claims,
etc--so they are on welfare as well (by *their* definition).
The situations are not quivalent. If I don't have homeowners insurance
and if my house burns down, I get nothing. But parasites like you can claim that
people like me give them a head ache which prevents them from working,
and the government will give them handouts using my tax money.