I heard through my brother I believe while my mother was still alive that
him and Joe got in a fight, I know it was my brother who told me but the
alive part, I believe she was. They got in a fight because Joe wanted to
allow the doctor to administor morphine. She was on her death bed.
Marphine isn't a sure death sentence, it is a very powerful pain killer that
needs very precise amounts and I'm unsure but I hear it's not like others.
The dosage can be fatal I'm sure with such little life left such as like on
the battle fields when they show people give the soldiers on their way out
the morphine shot. They're assume in major pain for death immanate. I gues
one coudl assume cacner could come out of it but if your not concious or
able to move much I can only express that alot show it doesn't once the
immunie ystem is overrun enough. I remmeber seeing my friends dad who had
full body skin cacner and he went from a active well shaped and fit little
older gentalman to a weel chair and coudln't barely say Timmy and that
happen so fast to my perspective I just think it's a over run so close, and
very possible the morphine and uphoria and heighten expereince of it can
cause adrenalne in the good over worked way of the system while in pain.
Some drugs do that to people int he bad way when their completely healthy
just on a paowerful drug and have a bad trip. It is often different
neulogical or chemical bodily actions sstart to effect and stay felt
creating a deeper sence of one way systematic lock up. Like the togune can
do or a leg cramp of the muscle sometimes when it starts to unexpected pinch
and feels like there's one way to move out of it but if you don't reach that
window of opportunity it can worsen. Don't swallow your togune! Oh or
frown too much, you'll face with be permanent forwns one day!