6StringStu "Baltimore Bestie" Review
(too old to reply)
2015-10-27 22:50:51 UTC
Earlier this week, the criminal and self-proclaimed sociopath James Stuart
Hodges (aka 6StringStu) visited a few of his old friends in Baltimore. One
was Terry, his so-called "bestie", and her two "now grown-up" sons. No
doubt Terry was one of the many sluts that 6StringStu was fucking twenty
years ago when he was living in the slums of Baltimore.
Based on the picture that 6StringStu posted on his Facebook page, Terry and
her two sons presently live in an inner-city shithole and, more likely than
not, are living on handouts from the government. Also, Terry's two sons
don't look at all alike, so they probably have different biological fathers
who are no longer around. Based on the picture that 6StringStu posted,
neither of Terry's sons are on the road to Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Stanford
or CalTech, nor are they on the road to a successful interview for a job
that pays anything beyond minimum wage.

Trailer Trash Suzie
2015-10-28 22:51:27 UTC
Post by Jack
Earlier this week, the criminal and self-proclaimed sociopath James
Stuart Hodges (aka 6StringStu) visited a few of his old friends in
Baltimore. One was Terry, his so-called "bestie", and her two "now
grown-up" sons. No doubt Terry was one of the many sluts that
6StringStu was fucking twenty years ago when he was living in the
slums of Baltimore. Based on the picture that 6StringStu posted on
his Facebook page, Terry and her two sons presently live in an
inner-city shithole and, more likely than not, are living on handouts
from the government. Also, Terry's two sons don't look at all alike,
so they probably have different biological fathers who are no longer
around. Based on the picture that 6StringStu posted, neither of
Terry's sons are on the road to Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Stanford or
CalTech, nor are they on the road to a successful interview for a job
that pays anything beyond minimum wage.
That would be Terry Thrift and her adult sons Brandon and Billy.

On October 13, 2013, Terry Thrift whined "it's sad that your own family
talks shit about your own kids".

Obviously, Terry needs a reality check because they are young adults, not
kids, and because they look like bumbs.
Carol M. Lucifer
2015-10-31 23:59:32 UTC
Post by Jack
Earlier this week, the criminal and self-proclaimed sociopath James
Stuart Hodges (aka 6StringStu) visited a few of his old friends in
Baltimore. One was Terry, his so-called "bestie", and her two "now
grown-up" sons. No doubt Terry was one of the many sluts that
6StringStu was fucking twenty years ago when he was living in the
slums of Baltimore. Based on the picture that 6StringStu posted on
his Facebook page, Terry and her two sons presently live in an
inner-city shithole and, more likely than not, are living on handouts
from the government. Also, Terry's two sons don't look at all alike,
so they probably have different biological fathers who are no longer
around. Based on the picture that 6StringStu posted, neither of
Terry's sons are on the road to Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Stanford or
CalTech, nor are they on the road to a successful interview for a job
that pays anything beyond minimum wage.
That would be Terry Thrift and her adult sons Brandon and Billy.

But Billy is Billy Floyd, not Billy Thrift.

So, on the surface, it looks like Terry Thrift was divorced at least
once, or that she was never married, in which case she has at least one
bastard son.
