Neighbor Committing Possible Social Security Fraud - LONG!!!!
(too old to reply)
2009-06-11 20:42:43 UTC
Hello everybody,

I am new to the group, and hoping that somebody might be able to help me
out, and give me some info??

Is it true that if you want to report someone for Social Security FRAUD,
that you have to know EXACTLY what type of Social Security benefits they
are getting?? If so, how the heck are you suppose to do that, and find
out what kind of disability they are on!? I have heard that there are
ALOT of different types of disability payments, and not just one
universal one!? Is this true?

Basically, here is whats going on. I will try to keep this as short as
possible, even though I could probably make it like 4 pages long!!!

I have been living next to my neighbor for 6 years now, and I have NO
DOUBT that he is committing Social Security Fraud. He is a Portuguese
guy who moved here from Portugal to the United States, back in the late
80's or early 90's ( I forgot when exactly ), and he is in his mid 50's.

I don't talk to the guy anymore because he disgusts me by committing
fraud, but when I first moved next door to him 6 years, I would talk to
him on occasion.

Basically he told me that he was on government disability, and collected
disability checks from the government every month, and he wasn't able to
"no work", because of his "bad back".

I will NEVER forget what he told me one time, and wish so very much that
I had a tape recorder on me. He said to me these EXACT words:

"I love America! I come to America, and I tell them I no work, because I
have bad back, and they give me checks to stay home!!".

I talked with his wife one time, and she told me that he hurt his back
because he was helping his brother move a couch, either up a staircase
or down a staircase ( I forgot which? ), and he lost his balance, and
fell down the stairs hurting his back.

She said that he wishes that he would have got hurt at his "factory job"
that he was working at, at the time, because he could have got "MORE
MONEY" collecting "workers comp". But because he got hurt moving a
couch, he now collects Social Security Disability checks every month for
"less money".

The only other thing I know, is that he told me that he also can't work
because he is on "14 different medications a day".

One of the other reasons why I can't stand the guy is because he stays
home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all he does is WATCH YOU and SPY

The guy is a chain smoker, and smokes like 2 to 3 packs a day, and
everytime I am outdoors doing something like yard work, gardening,
playing with my kids, washing the car, etc, etc, he always has to come
out and stand there and smoke his cigarrette for 10 minutes and watch
every little thing your doing!!!!

I also see him watching me and my family through his windows when he is
INSIDE his house as well!!!! He stands right in front of the window
watching every little thing we do outdoors!!!!!

Even if its something like bringing in grocerys or or taking the trash
out, he has to come outside and STARE at you and WATCH you, while
smoking his cigarettes!!!!!

I was told from the neighbor across the street from us when I first
moved in 6 years ago that "he is the EYES of the neighborhood". "He is
ALWAYS watching EVERYBODY, to see what's going on and what they are
doing", she told me.

Over the years, I have seen him doing all kinds of stuff out in his yard
with his "bad back" he claims he has, and he DOESN'T ever look to be in
much pain at all. But last week, was the thing that really burned me up
the most, here's what happened.

Last week, he was pulling into his driveway with his Isuzu SUV and the
car died ( dead battery ), at the front of his driveway. Well, he needed
to get the car down to his garage which was about 100 feet away, so that
he could hook it up to the battery charger, and so he put the Isuzu in
neutral, and HE PUSHED the car about 100 feet down the driveway to his

Here are just SOME of the other things that I have seen him do over the
last couple of years:

#1 Mow his lawn in the summer with a PUSH lawnmower

#2 Push and use a snowblower in the winter to snowblow his driveway and

#3 Shovel his driveway and sidewalk with a snowshovel ( When his
snowblower was broken )

#5 Move around and carry big 5 gallon buckets of sand and rock salt

#6 Carry around and play with his 5 year old granddaughter

#7 Rake leaves and rake his yard

#8 Sweep his driveway with a broom

#9 Wash his mini-van and pickup truck in the driveway

#10 Vacuum his mini-van and truck

#11 Clean out his garage - lifting and moving around many heavy items
like car tires and rims, a grill, wooden tables, a big toolbox, etc,

#12 Change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway

#13 Carry and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard

#14 Carry tables down his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag

#15 Dig a vegetable garden with a garden hoe

#16 Wash his kitchen floor with a mop

#17 Put in and take out a HUGE 15,000 btu air conditioner out of the
window HIMSELF with no other help

#18 Carry bags of grocerys and big 50 pound bags of dog food into his
home, to name only a few

#19 Use a heavy BACKPACK type leafblower and wear it for 1 to 2 hours
straight while leaf-blowing his yard

#20 Carrying crates and cages full of live bunnies and chickens to the
bunny/chicken coup in his backyard.



#21 Bending over for LONG periods of time, killing live New Zealand type
bunnies and skinning them.

( Sorry if this has offended everybody, but this is what the jerk does.
Portuguese people love rabbit meat, as it is a delicacy to them.

Rabbit meat to them, is like lobster and steak is to Americans.

Every week he brings home anywhere from like 60-80 LIVE bunnies, and he
kills them, skins them, and sells the meat under-the-table for a profit

When I first moved in, he actually asked me if I wanted to buy any
rabbit meat from him. He told me that it was $7 dollars if I wanted to
buy a dead rabbit and skin it and clean it myself, and $12 dollars if I
wanted him to skin it and clean it for me, and just give me the meat.

And for all you animal lovers out there,YES, I have reported him to
ASPCA for this, and they did NOTHING!!!!! They said that he was killing
the bunnies humanely, and that most likely the bunnies were being bred
for food, and not for pets.

I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding it
over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?

Because this is how he kills these poor innocent bunnies. He takes them
out of the crate that they are in, and he holds them up over a 5 gallon
bucket, and he stabs them with a sharp steak knife, and the poor
helpless bunny bleeds to death. He then proceeds to skin the dead bunny,
and clean it out, before throwing the meat into a seperate 5 gallon
bucket, which he will sell later on under-the-table for $12 bucks each.



But the point I was trying to make, was that he says he has a "bad
back", but has no problem lifting and carrying a crate or metal cage
with about 10 live New Zealand bunnies throughout his yard.

And people that are famliar with New Zealand bunnies, know that they are
about the size of a fat house cat and weigh between 10 and 15 pounds
each. And this guy is lifting up a metal cage with about 10 of them in
one cage!!!!!

Also, both his lawnmower and snowblower are NOT an electric start, its
one of those where he has to pull the rope to start it.

So he is able to pull the rope to start his lawnmower and snowblower
with no problem even though he says he is "totally disabled, because of
his bad back".

Somebody told me that in order to report him to Social Security for
fraud, that I need to get hard evidence of him doing stuff with his
supposed "bad back". I need to go outside with a camera or video camera
and take pictures or videotape him doing stuff??

Don't forget though, I have to live right next to this guy, I can't
start snapping pictures right in front of his face!? Besides, isn't it
illegal to take a picture of someone without their permission??

But, I have taken pictures of him doing some of this stuff, through my
windows, for evidence to give to Social Security. But is this good

Another thing that really burns me up, is that my husband has herniated
discs in his neck and back, as well as a bad knee, and arthritis
throughout his body, but when he applied to try to get Social Security
Disability, they denied him, telling home that "he can lift 10 pounds,
so go to work".

Yet, this guy comes here to the United States, from Portugal, tells
Social Security he can't do "no work" because of his "bad back", and he
is getting checks thrown at him by the U.S. government, even though he
sure seems capable of doing everything from yardwork, installing air
conditioners, moving tables and furniture, to washing cars, and changing
his own oil.

Must be nice to come here to America, and tell people you have a bad
back, and get free money, and live the good life.

The guy buys a new car, truck, or SUV just about every year. Heck, last
year he bought a brand new $25,000 dollar 2008 Jeep Liberty right out of
the showroom. He has some HUGE 60" inch flat screen plasma TV that he
paid a couple thousand for. He brags to all the other neighbors how he
made $30,000 dollars in home improvements to his house last year, and
how his house is now the nicest one on the street.

So, what can be done here?? How can I go or should I go about reporting
this guy for possible fraud???

Why should he get away with being able to milk the system out of free
money every month, that WE the taxpayers with jobs are paying for out of
OUR paychecks every week.

He should be forced to get a FULL-TIME job and pay back every single
dime that he has collected from the government, or he should be sitting
in a jail cell somewhere, or deported back to Portugal.

Any info. would greatly be appreciated on this matter!!

2009-06-11 21:36:40 UTC
Is it true that if you want to report someone for Social Security FRAUD,
that you have to know EXACTLY what type of Social Security benefits they
are getting??
Regardless of whether he's on SSI or SSDI, he is required to report
any work activity.

As far as the level of physical activity you have observed, it doesn't
sound like someone with a disabling back impairment. However, whether
he can do this on a sustained basis in a competitive work environment
would have to be determined by a continuing disability review.
« Jeem »
2009-06-11 23:52:31 UTC
Hello everybody,
Hey Michelle,

Funny to see you in this NG. But at the same time, good to see you
here. I cannot advise you if your neighbor is committing SSDI fraud or
not. But I do have this link: http://www.ssa.gov/oig/guidelin.htm
Rabbit meat to them, is like lobster and steak is to Americans.
Every week he brings home anywhere from like 60-80 LIVE bunnies, and he
kills them, skins them, and sells the meat under-the-table for a profit
When I first moved in, he actually asked me if I wanted to buy any
rabbit meat from him. He told me that it was $7 dollars if I wanted to
buy a dead rabbit and skin it and clean it myself, and $12 dollars if I
wanted him to skin it and clean it for me, and just give me the meat.
And for all you animal lovers out there,YES, I have reported him to
ASPCA for this, and they did NOTHING!!!!! They said that he was killing
the bunnies humanely, and that most likely the bunnies were being bred
for food, and not for pets.
Contact PETA......http://www.peta.org/about/c-contact.asp
I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding it
over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?
Because this is how he kills these poor innocent bunnies. He takes them
out of the crate that they are in, and he holds them up over a 5 gallon
bucket, and he stabs them with a sharp steak knife, and the poor
helpless bunny bleeds to death. He then proceeds to skin the dead bunny,
and clean it out, before throwing the meat into a seperate 5 gallon
bucket, which he will sell later on under-the-table for $12 bucks each.
But the point I was trying to make, was that he says he has a "bad
back", but has no problem lifting and carrying a crate or metal cage
with about 10 live New Zealand bunnies throughout his yard.
Somebody told me that in order to report him to Social Security for
fraud, that I need to get hard evidence of him doing stuff with his
supposed "bad back". I need to go outside with a camera or video camera
and take pictures or videotape him doing stuff??
Don't forget though, I have to live right next to this guy, I can't
start snapping pictures right in front of his face!? Besides, isn't it
illegal to take a picture of someone without their permission??
You cannot be on his property and photograph him without his
permission. It is not illegal to photograph him while he is on his
property if you are doing it from your property or public property.
But, I have taken pictures of him doing some of this stuff, through my
windows, for evidence to give to Social Security. But is this good
I can see you and this neighbor are not the best of friends. Must be a
Flyers fan <smirk>. All I can say is I wish you the best of luck with
your neighbor in all aspects, SSDI and beyond.
D.F. Manno
2009-06-12 01:05:10 UTC
I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding it
over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?
Unless you're a vegetarian, what you had for dinner probably wasn't
killed more humanely than that.
D.F. Manno | ***@mail.com
"When the fate of so many rests in the hands of so few, can the failure
to be accountable ever be forgiven?" - Stephen Hawking
Six String Stu
2009-06-12 03:36:08 UTC
Hello everybody,
I am new to the group, and hoping that somebody might be able to help me
out, and give me some info??
Is it true that if you want to report someone for Social Security FRAUD,
that you have to know EXACTLY what type of Social Security benefits they
are getting?? If so, how the heck are you suppose to do that, and find
out what kind of disability they are on!? I have heard that there are
ALOT of different types of disability payments, and not just one
universal one!? Is this true?
Basically, here is whats going on. I will try to keep this as short as
possible, even though I could probably make it like 4 pages long!!!
I have been living next to my neighbor for 6 years now, and I have NO
DOUBT that he is committing Social Security Fraud. He is a Portuguese
guy who moved here from Portugal to the United States, back in the late
80's or early 90's ( I forgot when exactly ), and he is in his mid 50's.
I don't talk to the guy anymore because he disgusts me by committing
fraud, but when I first moved next door to him 6 years, I would talk to
him on occasion.
Basically he told me that he was on government disability, and collected
disability checks from the government every month, and he wasn't able to
"no work", because of his "bad back".
I will NEVER forget what he told me one time, and wish so very much that
"I love America! I come to America, and I tell them I no work, because I
have bad back, and they give me checks to stay home!!".
I talked with his wife one time, and she told me that he hurt his back
because he was helping his brother move a couch, either up a staircase
or down a staircase ( I forgot which? ), and he lost his balance, and
fell down the stairs hurting his back.
She said that he wishes that he would have got hurt at his "factory job"
that he was working at, at the time, because he could have got "MORE
MONEY" collecting "workers comp". But because he got hurt moving a
couch, he now collects Social Security Disability checks every month for
"less money".
The only other thing I know, is that he told me that he also can't work
because he is on "14 different medications a day".
One of the other reasons why I can't stand the guy is because he stays
home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all he does is WATCH YOU and SPY
The guy is a chain smoker, and smokes like 2 to 3 packs a day, and
everytime I am outdoors doing something like yard work, gardening,
playing with my kids, washing the car, etc, etc, he always has to come
out and stand there and smoke his cigarrette for 10 minutes and watch
every little thing your doing!!!!
I also see him watching me and my family through his windows when he is
INSIDE his house as well!!!! He stands right in front of the window
watching every little thing we do outdoors!!!!!
Even if its something like bringing in grocerys or or taking the trash
out, he has to come outside and STARE at you and WATCH you, while
smoking his cigarettes!!!!!
I was told from the neighbor across the street from us when I first
moved in 6 years ago that "he is the EYES of the neighborhood". "He is
ALWAYS watching EVERYBODY, to see what's going on and what they are
doing", she told me.
Over the years, I have seen him doing all kinds of stuff out in his yard
with his "bad back" he claims he has, and he DOESN'T ever look to be in
much pain at all. But last week, was the thing that really burned me up
the most, here's what happened.
Last week, he was pulling into his driveway with his Isuzu SUV and the
car died ( dead battery ), at the front of his driveway. Well, he needed
to get the car down to his garage which was about 100 feet away, so that
he could hook it up to the battery charger, and so he put the Isuzu in
neutral, and HE PUSHED the car about 100 feet down the driveway to his
Here are just SOME of the other things that I have seen him do over the
#1 Mow his lawn in the summer with a PUSH lawnmower
#2 Push and use a snowblower in the winter to snowblow his driveway and
#3 Shovel his driveway and sidewalk with a snowshovel ( When his
snowblower was broken )
#5 Move around and carry big 5 gallon buckets of sand and rock salt
#6 Carry around and play with his 5 year old granddaughter
#7 Rake leaves and rake his yard
#8 Sweep his driveway with a broom
#9 Wash his mini-van and pickup truck in the driveway
#10 Vacuum his mini-van and truck
#11 Clean out his garage - lifting and moving around many heavy items
like car tires and rims, a grill, wooden tables, a big toolbox, etc,
#12 Change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway
#13 Carry and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard
#14 Carry tables down his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag
#15 Dig a vegetable garden with a garden hoe
#16 Wash his kitchen floor with a mop
#17 Put in and take out a HUGE 15,000 btu air conditioner out of the
window HIMSELF with no other help
#18 Carry bags of grocerys and big 50 pound bags of dog food into his
home, to name only a few
#19 Use a heavy BACKPACK type leafblower and wear it for 1 to 2 hours
straight while leaf-blowing his yard
#20 Carrying crates and cages full of live bunnies and chickens to the
bunny/chicken coup in his backyard.
#21 Bending over for LONG periods of time, killing live New Zealand type
bunnies and skinning them.
( Sorry if this has offended everybody, but this is what the jerk does.
Portuguese people love rabbit meat, as it is a delicacy to them.
Rabbit meat to them, is like lobster and steak is to Americans.
Every week he brings home anywhere from like 60-80 LIVE bunnies, and he
kills them, skins them, and sells the meat under-the-table for a profit
When I first moved in, he actually asked me if I wanted to buy any
rabbit meat from him. He told me that it was $7 dollars if I wanted to
buy a dead rabbit and skin it and clean it myself, and $12 dollars if I
wanted him to skin it and clean it for me, and just give me the meat.
And for all you animal lovers out there,YES, I have reported him to
ASPCA for this, and they did NOTHING!!!!! They said that he was killing
the bunnies humanely, and that most likely the bunnies were being bred
for food, and not for pets.
I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding it
over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?
Because this is how he kills these poor innocent bunnies. He takes them
out of the crate that they are in, and he holds them up over a 5 gallon
bucket, and he stabs them with a sharp steak knife, and the poor
helpless bunny bleeds to death. He then proceeds to skin the dead bunny,
and clean it out, before throwing the meat into a seperate 5 gallon
bucket, which he will sell later on under-the-table for $12 bucks each.
But the point I was trying to make, was that he says he has a "bad
back", but has no problem lifting and carrying a crate or metal cage
with about 10 live New Zealand bunnies throughout his yard.
And people that are famliar with New Zealand bunnies, know that they are
about the size of a fat house cat and weigh between 10 and 15 pounds
each. And this guy is lifting up a metal cage with about 10 of them in
one cage!!!!!
Also, both his lawnmower and snowblower are NOT an electric start, its
one of those where he has to pull the rope to start it.
So he is able to pull the rope to start his lawnmower and snowblower
with no problem even though he says he is "totally disabled, because of
his bad back".
Somebody told me that in order to report him to Social Security for
fraud, that I need to get hard evidence of him doing stuff with his
supposed "bad back". I need to go outside with a camera or video camera
and take pictures or videotape him doing stuff??
Don't forget though, I have to live right next to this guy, I can't
start snapping pictures right in front of his face!? Besides, isn't it
illegal to take a picture of someone without their permission??
But, I have taken pictures of him doing some of this stuff, through my
windows, for evidence to give to Social Security. But is this good
Another thing that really burns me up, is that my husband has herniated
discs in his neck and back, as well as a bad knee, and arthritis
throughout his body, but when he applied to try to get Social Security
Disability, they denied him, telling home that "he can lift 10 pounds,
so go to work".
Yet, this guy comes here to the United States, from Portugal, tells
Social Security he can't do "no work" because of his "bad back", and he
is getting checks thrown at him by the U.S. government, even though he
sure seems capable of doing everything from yardwork, installing air
conditioners, moving tables and furniture, to washing cars, and changing
his own oil.
Must be nice to come here to America, and tell people you have a bad
back, and get free money, and live the good life.
The guy buys a new car, truck, or SUV just about every year. Heck, last
year he bought a brand new $25,000 dollar 2008 Jeep Liberty right out of
the showroom. He has some HUGE 60" inch flat screen plasma TV that he
paid a couple thousand for. He brags to all the other neighbors how he
made $30,000 dollars in home improvements to his house last year, and
how his house is now the nicest one on the street.
So, what can be done here?? How can I go or should I go about reporting
this guy for possible fraud???
Why should he get away with being able to milk the system out of free
money every month, that WE the taxpayers with jobs are paying for out of
OUR paychecks every week.
He should be forced to get a FULL-TIME job and pay back every single
dime that he has collected from the government, or he should be sitting
in a jail cell somewhere, or deported back to Portugal.
Any info. would greatly be appreciated on this matter!!
Good luck with bringing justice to the system.
As for the dear fat bunnys, a kitchen knife is more humane then a coyoty or
a rifle bullet in the chest. And we wont get into what a 20 gauge would do.
2009-06-12 06:08:22 UTC
Hello everybody,
I am new to the group, and hoping that somebody might be able to help me
out, and give me some info??
Is it true that if you want to report someone for Social Security FRAUD,
that you have to know EXACTLY what type of Social Security benefits they
are getting?? If so, how the heck are you suppose to do that, and find
out what kind of disability they are on!? I have heard that there are
ALOT of different types of disability payments, and not just one
universal one!? Is this true?
Basically, here is whats going on. I will try to keep this as short as
possible, even though I could probably make it like 4 pages long!!!
I have been living next to my neighbor for 6 years now, and I have NO
DOUBT that he is committing Social Security Fraud. He is a Portuguese
guy who moved here from Portugal to the United States, back in the late
80's or early 90's ( I forgot when exactly ), and he is in his mid 50's.
I don't talk to the guy anymore because he disgusts me by committing
fraud, but when I first moved next door to him 6 years, I would talk to
him on occasion.
Basically he told me that he was on government disability, and collected
disability checks from the government every month, and he wasn't able to
"no work", because of his "bad back".
I will NEVER forget what he told me one time, and wish so very much that
"I love America! I come to America, and I tell them I no work, because I
have bad back, and they give me checks to stay home!!".
I talked with his wife one time, and she told me that he hurt his back
because he was helping his brother move a couch, either up a staircase
or down a staircase ( I forgot which? ), and he lost his balance, and
fell down the stairs hurting his back.
She said that he wishes that he would have got hurt at his "factory job"
that he was working at, at the time, because he could have got "MORE
MONEY" collecting "workers comp". But because he got hurt moving a
couch, he now collects Social Security Disability checks every month for
"less money".
The only other thing I know, is that he told me that he also can't work
because he is on "14 different medications a day".
One of the other reasons why I can't stand the guy is because he stays
home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all he does is WATCH YOU and SPY
The guy is a chain smoker, and smokes like 2 to 3 packs a day, and
everytime I am outdoors doing something like yard work, gardening,
playing with my kids, washing the car, etc, etc, he always has to come
out and stand there and smoke his cigarrette for 10 minutes and watch
every little thing your doing!!!!
I also see him watching me and my family through his windows when he is
INSIDE his house as well!!!! He stands right in front of the window
watching every little thing we do outdoors!!!!!
Even if its something like bringing in grocerys or or taking the trash
out, he has to come outside and STARE at you and WATCH you, while
smoking his cigarettes!!!!!
I was told from the neighbor across the street from us when I first
moved in 6 years ago that "he is the EYES of the neighborhood". "He is
ALWAYS watching EVERYBODY, to see what's going on and what they are
doing", she told me.
Over the years, I have seen him doing all kinds of stuff out in his yard
with his "bad back" he claims he has, and he DOESN'T ever look to be in
much pain at all. But last week, was the thing that really burned me up
the most, here's what happened.
Last week, he was pulling into his driveway with his Isuzu SUV and the
car died ( dead battery ), at the front of his driveway. Well, he needed
to get the car down to his garage which was about 100 feet away, so that
he could hook it up to the battery charger, and so he put the Isuzu in
neutral, and HE PUSHED the car about 100 feet down the driveway to his
Here are just SOME of the other things that I have seen him do over the
#1 Mow his lawn in the summer with a PUSH lawnmower
#2 Push and use a snowblower in the winter to snowblow his driveway and
#3 Shovel his driveway and sidewalk with a snowshovel ( When his
snowblower was broken )
#5 Move around and carry big 5 gallon buckets of sand and rock salt
#6 Carry around and play with his 5 year old granddaughter
#7 Rake leaves and rake his yard
#8 Sweep his driveway with a broom
#9 Wash his mini-van and pickup truck in the driveway
#10 Vacuum his mini-van and truck
#11 Clean out his garage - lifting and moving around many heavy items
like car tires and rims, a grill, wooden tables, a big toolbox, etc,
#12 Change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway
#13 Carry and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard
#14 Carry tables down his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag
#15 Dig a vegetable garden with a garden hoe
#16 Wash his kitchen floor with a mop
#17 Put in and take out a HUGE 15,000 btu air conditioner out of the
window HIMSELF with no other help
#18 Carry bags of grocerys and big 50 pound bags of dog food into his
home, to name only a few
#19 Use a heavy BACKPACK type leafblower and wear it for 1 to 2 hours
straight while leaf-blowing his yard
#20 Carrying crates and cages full of live bunnies and chickens to the
bunny/chicken coup in his backyard.
#21 Bending over for LONG periods of time, killing live New Zealand type
bunnies and skinning them.
( Sorry if this has offended everybody, but this is what the jerk does.
Portuguese people love rabbit meat, as it is a delicacy to them.
Rabbit meat to them, is like lobster and steak is to Americans.
Every week he brings home anywhere from like 60-80 LIVE bunnies, and he
kills them, skins them, and sells the meat under-the-table for a profit
When I first moved in, he actually asked me if I wanted to buy any
rabbit meat from him. He told me that it was $7 dollars if I wanted to
buy a dead rabbit and skin it and clean it myself, and $12 dollars if I
wanted him to skin it and clean it for me, and just give me the meat.
And for all you animal lovers out there,YES, I have reported him to
ASPCA for this, and they did NOTHING!!!!! They said that he was killing
the bunnies humanely, and that most likely the bunnies were being bred
for food, and not for pets.
I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding it
over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?
Because this is how he kills these poor innocent bunnies. He takes them
out of the crate that they are in, and he holds them up over a 5 gallon
bucket, and he stabs them with a sharp steak knife, and the poor
helpless bunny bleeds to death. He then proceeds to skin the dead bunny,
and clean it out, before throwing the meat into a seperate 5 gallon
bucket, which he will sell later on under-the-table for $12 bucks each.
But the point I was trying to make, was that he says he has a "bad
back", but has no problem lifting and carrying a crate or metal cage
with about 10 live New Zealand bunnies throughout his yard.
And people that are famliar with New Zealand bunnies, know that they are
about the size of a fat house cat and weigh between 10 and 15 pounds
each. And this guy is lifting up a metal cage with about 10 of them in
one cage!!!!!
Also, both his lawnmower and snowblower are NOT an electric start, its
one of those where he has to pull the rope to start it.
So he is able to pull the rope to start his lawnmower and snowblower
with no problem even though he says he is "totally disabled, because of
his bad back".
Somebody told me that in order to report him to Social Security for
fraud, that I need to get hard evidence of him doing stuff with his
supposed "bad back". I need to go outside with a camera or video camera
and take pictures or videotape him doing stuff??
Don't forget though, I have to live right next to this guy, I can't
start snapping pictures right in front of his face!? Besides, isn't it
illegal to take a picture of someone without their permission??
But, I have taken pictures of him doing some of this stuff, through my
windows, for evidence to give to Social Security. But is this good
Another thing that really burns me up, is that my husband has herniated
discs in his neck and back, as well as a bad knee, and arthritis
throughout his body, but when he applied to try to get Social Security
Disability, they denied him, telling home that "he can lift 10 pounds,
so go to work".
Yet, this guy comes here to the United States, from Portugal, tells
Social Security he can't do "no work" because of his "bad back", and he
is getting checks thrown at him by the U.S. government, even though he
sure seems capable of doing everything from yardwork, installing air
conditioners, moving tables and furniture, to washing cars, and changing
his own oil.
Must be nice to come here to America, and tell people you have a bad
back, and get free money, and live the good life.
The guy buys a new car, truck, or SUV just about every year. Heck, last
year he bought a brand new $25,000 dollar 2008 Jeep Liberty right out of
the showroom. He has some HUGE 60" inch flat screen plasma TV that he
paid a couple thousand for. He brags to all the other neighbors how he
made $30,000 dollars in home improvements to his house last year, and
how his house is now the nicest one on the street.
So, what can be done here?? How can I go or should I go about reporting
this guy for possible fraud???
Why should he get away with being able to milk the system out of free
money every month, that WE the taxpayers with jobs are paying for out of
OUR paychecks every week.
He should be forced to get a FULL-TIME job and pay back every single
dime that he has collected from the government, or he should be sitting
in a jail cell somewhere, or deported back to Portugal.
Any info. would greatly be appreciated on this matter!!
Hi Michelle,

Whether or not you report him is entirely your decision. I have read
your entire post and being on disability myself, there isn't enough
information for me to advise you either way.

I can tell you that it is very common for people receiving disability
for psychological reasons to tell others they have a physical ailment to
avoid the embarrassment of admitting to having a psychological problem.

Although not certain I do not believe it is illegal to take pictures of
someone without their permission provided they are outside where they
should not assume any right to privacy. On occasion I photograph
suspicious activity in my own neighborhood and on one occasion turned
copies of the pictures over to the police for some gasoline thieves.

Disability doesn't pay much and most of us live below the poverty level.
So when you're living on disability it is common to "stay home 24 hours
per day" as you cannot afford to do much else. In doing so it is also
common to pay particularly close attention to your surroundings and
neighborhood. I know I do myself. However, I am considerate and do not
watch my neighbors going about their chores as it simply doesn't
interest me.

He is not "spying" on you if you are outside of your home. If you are
inside of your home and he is spying on you through your windows then
you should contact the police.

Regarding your husbands application for disability, the vast majority of
us are denied and told similar to your husband. We appeal and are denied
again. We appeal and then get a hearing with a social security judge who
adjudicates the case and renders a decision based on the evidence he is
provided. Social Security Disability is rarely ever a one application
process and most often entails three to four years of waiting and appealing.

As far as I know you would not get in any type of trouble for reporting
a case your legitimately believe to be fraud. If you express disdain for
this man because of his chain-smoking or other undesirable habits you
may appear to have a vendetta rather than a legitimate concern for the law.
2009-06-12 13:16:55 UTC
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of your great answers so far, Yes, I can't stand the guys
bad habits, but don't really have a vendetta because the guy smokes, he
could smoke 100 packs of cigarettes a day for all I care.

The point I was try to make was that everytime I or my kids are out in
my yard doing something, he has to come out there like every 5 to 10
minutes and watch us and STARE AT US everytime we are outside. So if I
were to confront him about this and ask him why he has to keep watching
us, he would probably use his cigarettes as an excuse and say something
like "well I'm only smoking".

Anyway, when my husband applied to get disability for his multiple
herniated discs in his neck and back, they told him that he could lift
10 pounds, and could work at a desk job or something. They also said
that in order to get SSI or SSDI, you have to be TOTALLY disabled and
not be able to do ANY kind of physical work at all, if you are claiming
a "physical" iinjury. A mental disorder is probably different?

I also agree with what somebody else also mentioned, is that maybe the
guy has some kind of MENTAL problem, and he just tells everyone he has a
bad back??

Like I said in my original post I only have limited details from what he
and his wife told me.

All he really said was he "no work" because of his "bad back". And he
told me that he "no work" because he is on "14 different medications a

His wife said that he hurt his back when he was "helping his brother
move a couch, and he lost his balance and fell down the stairs". She
said that at the time he was working at a "factory job, and HE WISHED
that he could have got hurt at work instead, so that he could get MORE

So according to his wife, he WANTED to get hurt at work??????

But all I know is that he tells everyone, all the other neighbors,
people coming over his house, people walking down the sidewalk, that he
can't "no work" because of his "bad back", yet he does all the things
that I mentioned in my original post. Everything from shoveling snow, to
mowing his lawn, moving furniture, and last wekk pushing his Isuzu SUV
100 feet down the driveway!!!!

So, should I gather up what pictures I have of him shoveling snow this
past winter, pushing his snowblower, mowing his lawn, washing his car,
and send them in to the Social Security Fraud Department?? What other
kind of info. do I have to give them, just his name and address??

Does anyone have the mailing address of where to send the pictures to,
to report the possible fraud???

2009-06-12 13:43:13 UTC
Anyway, when my husband applied to get disability for his multiple
herniated discs in his neck and back, they told him that he could lift
10 pounds, and could work at a desk job or something. They also said
that in order to get SSI or SSDI, you have to be TOTALLY disabled and
not be able to do ANY kind of physical work at all, if you are claiming
a "physical" iinjury. A mental disorder is probably different?
But all I know is that he tells everyone, all the other neighbors,
people coming over his house, people walking down the sidewalk, that he
can't "no work" because of his "bad back", yet he does all the things
that I mentioned in my original post. Everything from shoveling snow, to
mowing his lawn, moving furniture, and last wekk pushing his Isuzu SUV
100 feet down the driveway!!!!
So, should I gather up what pictures I have of him shoveling snow this
past winter, pushing his snowblower, mowing his lawn, washing his car,
and send them in to the Social Security Fraud Department?? What other
kind of info. do I have to give them, just his name and address??
Does anyone have the mailing address of where to send the pictures to,
to report the possible fraud???
The disability law does not require you to be unable to do any and all
types of physical work. You have to be unable to do your past work
and other substantial gainful work that exists in the national
economy. When deciding whether you can do other substantial gainful
work, they factor-in your age, education, and work experience.

For example, an older man with a limited education and who did nothing
but unskilled, strenuous physical work would be found disabled even if
he can do work that requires him to lift 20 lbs. and be on his feet 6
hours in an 8 hour day. Another man who has the same functional
capacity and did the same kind of work and had the same education but
is younger would be denied.

You can contact your local social security office any way you see fit,
to report 1) his work activity with the bunnies and 2) your
observations of his physical activities.
2009-06-12 13:52:09 UTC
Post by Jack
You can contact your local social security office any way you see fit,
to report 1) his work activity with the bunnies and 2) your
observations of his physical activities.
It may not be fraud if SSA is aware of his work activity. They may do
a continuing disability review to see if he's still disabled based on
your observations of his physical activity but this rarely results in
fraud charges. But if he didn't report his work activity, this a more
serious matter.
2009-06-12 15:52:07 UTC
Post by Jack
You can contact your local social security office any way you see fit,
to report  1) his work activity with the bunnies and 2) your
observations of his physical activities.
It may not be fraud if SSA is aware of his work activity.  They may do
a continuing disability review to see if he's still disabled based on
your observations of his physical activity but this rarely results in
fraud charges.  But if he didn't report his work activity, this a more
serious matter.
The disability rules were explained to you pretty well. That he does
yard work etc is not an indication that he can work. You really have
no idea since you know little about his age, education and work
experience. Yes, he came to teh US but would have had to work here a
substantial amount of time to have "earned" enough SS credits.

I'm sorry your husband got denied but "because he can lift 10 pounds"
is much too simplistic an answer. It's more complicated than that,
maybe SSA didn't explain things well.

I'm sure if many people saw me out and about, they would think the
same thing, but they have no idea what goes on behind that time I can
get out and do something.

If he gets SSDI the fact that he buys new cars is irrelevant. He could
have other money.

You are just on a vendetta because you can't stand this guy, it's
something that's really none of your business, and something that you
do not have enough information to assess. If it makes you feel better
to report this to SSA, feel free, but don't ne surprised if nothing
changes. My suggestion is that you just get over it and move on to
more important things in your life, like finding a new place to live.

You may want to check with your town on zoning for having and killing
2009-06-12 22:25:16 UTC
Post by Jack
Post by Jack
You can contact your local social security office any way you see fit,
to report 1) his work activity with the bunnies and 2) your
observations of his physical activities.
It may not be fraud if SSA is aware of his work activity. They may do
a continuing disability review to see if he's still disabled based on
your observations of his physical activity but this rarely results in
fraud charges. But if he didn't report his work activity, this a more
serious matter.
This strikes me as a hobby of his, much like raising chickens etc. MH
just has nothing better to do than bitch and gripe.
2009-06-12 16:33:46 UTC
So if I
were to confront him about this and ask him why he has to keep watching
us, he would probably use his cigarettes as an excuse and say something
like "well I'm only smoking".
Grow some ovaries and talk to the man. You are spying on him. It sounds very much like you are both mentally
ill. He probably has a psychiatric disorder and is paranoid so he watches everything. He also is picking up
on your vibes, he has good reason to keep an eye out on you. Mind your own business, quit spying on your
neighbors and stop your racism.
2009-06-12 16:34:33 UTC
So, should I gather up what pictures I have of him shoveling snow this
past winter, pushing his snowblower, mowing his lawn, washing his car,
and send them in to the Social Security Fraud Department?? What other
kind of info. do I have to give them, just his name and address??
You're the freaking spy!
2009-06-12 17:06:16 UTC
First off all, I am NOT racist. As the matter of fact, my sister-in-law
is 100% PORTUGUESE, and we get along great!!!! But when the guy says to
your face:

"I love America! I come to America, I tell them I no work because I have
bad back, and they give me free monthly checks to stay home",

it makes it sounds like he came to America to take advantage of the

Also, as far as his age goes, I do know his EXACT age and date of birth,
only because when I first moved in, he told me, probably expecting that
I would buy him a present or something!?

He is 50 years old.

As far as his work history goes, he told me that when he first came to
America, he worked for a construction company doing various things like
building and fixing stuff, then went on to work full-time second shift
at some "factory job" where he was a picker/packer/inspector or
something like that??

When my husband applied for disability, he had the MRI's and Cat Scans
to PROVE that he has herniated discs in his neck and back, as well as
arthritis in his hands, elbows, knees, and feet. But they ( Social
Security ), never even sent him for any kind of physical or anything!?
They just sent him a denial letter, stating that they:

"obtained all of his medical records from all of the doctors that he
goes too, and they determined that he is not disabled because he can
lift 10 pounds".

That was the EXACT reason of denial on the letter.

It said something like:

"Applicant is able to lift 10 pounds. So finding a job where lifting
only 10 pounds, is acceptable for applicant". "Because of this applicant
has been denied".

But our neighbor claims he has a "bad back" and can't "no work", yet he
is doing ALL of this stuff, and he gets approved for Social Security
Disability every month?????
2009-06-12 17:23:51 UTC
I forgot to add that when he goes to his doctors appointments, he takes
a wooden walking cane with him, but everytime he is at home, walking
around in his driveaway or yard, he NEVER uses the cane!!!!!
2009-06-12 20:05:29 UTC
I forgot to add that when he goes to his doctors appointments, he takes
a wooden walking cane with him, but everytime he is at home, walking
around in his driveaway or yard, he NEVER uses the cane!!!!!
I almost didn't respond to any of this, but decided to--mostly because of
what I have to say toward the end of my post.

Like Jack has already said, disability determinations also have to do with
age and education as well as disability. For example, this guy might not
even have a high school diploma, he may never have done a job that requires
much mental thought, and at 50, he now falls under a different disability
standard than those younger and more easily capable of advancing their
education. Plus, like others have pointed out, he may have a disability or
an additional disability he doesn't want to share with people because of a
strong bias people have whenever these sort of disabilities are discussed
(like mental health disabilities).

You may know him. You may not. By this I mean, you only hear and see what he
wants you to hear and see, which may not be the full picture.

Your husband's situation may be completely different. I'm not wanting an
answer to this question, but was the determination you listed from an
administrative law judge (ALJ) hearing or some other point in the
application process? If it wasn't from an ALJ hearing, your husband may just
be experiencing the all too typical BS that often forces applicants to go
clear to an ALJ before they claim is approved. In fact, the gentleman you
discuss may also have had to go clear to an ALJ before being approved.

As for your concerns regarding the gentleman...

With the rabbit thing, contact your county health department. You may also
want to contact your local human office or whatever the name of your local
animal welfare/rights office might be. If it's legal, it's legal. If it's
not, let them deal with it.

Since you believe he's committing SS fraud, report him and be done with it.
If SS believes this to be true, they'll deal with it.

With his "watching" you, contact the police, explain your situation, and ask
them if this constitutes a crime. If not, drop it. Or move. Unless you
believe his "watching" has some sort of sexual intent; if so, then put your
immediate family on high alert; check to see if he's a registered sex
offender and, if he is, report his behavior; but if he's not a registered
sex offender, it's important to remember no one can accurately predict if he
actually _has_ intent or is just being plain or nosey; if he isn't a
registered sex offender, it's also important to remember _absolutely_ do NOT
accuse him of this sort of possibility to anyone other than your immediate
family. I've had extremely nosey neighbors who have seemingly watched my
every move, told other neighbors about what I'm doing, made me nervous, etc.
There wasn't much I could have done about it since the person wasn't
accusing me of committing a crime or immoral behavior or affecting my
ability to obtain employment or causing me some sort of other criminal or
tangible damage[s].

Anyone in this group could tell you that I'm all for reporting fraud if it's
suspected, but I'm also for sticking to the law in terms of this sort of
reporting, which is the real reason I decided to respond to your post. I
felt a possible caution might be in order because you do seem _extremely_
upset with this gentleman. This happens. We're all human. We all have our
reasons for feeling the way we do. But what I want to say is that if you are
talking to people about this "in real life"--people beyond your immediate
family, like neighbors--be careful--be _very_ careful. You could open
yourself up to a slander lawsuit, especially if it involves verbally and
openly accusing him of committed a crime. If a person believes another
person is committing a crime, the person should report it to the proper
authorities and be done with it; the person should NOT talk with people
about the situation beyond their immediate family and the proper

This really isn't an issue in your current posts, though, so don't worry
about that. You haven't told us your name, his name, location or anything
that directly points to the gentleman, so it's not a problem.
2009-06-12 22:35:54 UTC
I forgot to add that when he goes to his doctors appointments, he takes
a wooden walking cane with him, but everytime he is at home, walking
around in his driveaway or yard, he NEVER uses the cane!!!!!
2009-06-12 22:33:01 UTC
We're so glad you know better than your SSA office, coelho ideia
First off all, I am NOT racist. As the matter of fact, my sister-in-law
is 100% PORTUGUESE, and we get along great!!!! But when the guy says to
"I love America! I come to America, I tell them I no work because I have
bad back, and they give me free monthly checks to stay home",
it makes it sounds like he came to America to take advantage of the
Also, as far as his age goes, I do know his EXACT age and date of birth,
only because when I first moved in, he told me, probably expecting that
I would buy him a present or something!?
He is 50 years old.
As far as his work history goes, he told me that when he first came to
America, he worked for a construction company doing various things like
building and fixing stuff, then went on to work full-time second shift
at some "factory job" where he was a picker/packer/inspector or
something like that??
When my husband applied for disability, he had the MRI's and Cat Scans
to PROVE that he has herniated discs in his neck and back, as well as
arthritis in his hands, elbows, knees, and feet. But they ( Social
Security ), never even sent him for any kind of physical or anything!?
"obtained all of his medical records from all of the doctors that he
goes too, and they determined that he is not disabled because he can
lift 10 pounds".
That was the EXACT reason of denial on the letter.
"Applicant is able to lift 10 pounds. So finding a job where lifting
only 10 pounds, is acceptable for applicant". "Because of this applicant
has been denied".
But our neighbor claims he has a "bad back" and can't "no work", yet he
is doing ALL of this stuff, and he gets approved for Social Security
Disability every month?????
2009-06-13 03:37:13 UTC
"MICHELLE H." <***@webtv.net> wrote in message news:13588-4A328B08-***@storefull-3251.bay.webtv.net...
When my husband applied for disability, he had the MRI's and Cat Scans
to PROVE that he has herniated discs in his neck and back, as well as
arthritis in his hands, elbows, knees, and feet. ......
That sucks, I know how disabling spinal disease and the associated pain can
be. Has he had a myelogram, or any discectomy , laminectomy or fusion
surgery ?

Maybe you should get a lawyer that specializes in Social Security ?

In any event I hope things work out for the best.
2009-06-12 22:22:21 UTC
geez, you're a nosy bitch
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all of your great answers so far, Yes, I can't stand the guys
bad habits, but don't really have a vendetta because the guy smokes, he
could smoke 100 packs of cigarettes a day for all I care.
The point I was try to make was that everytime I or my kids are out in
my yard doing something, he has to come out there like every 5 to 10
minutes and watch us and STARE AT US everytime we are outside. So if I
were to confront him about this and ask him why he has to keep watching
us, he would probably use his cigarettes as an excuse and say something
like "well I'm only smoking".
Anyway, when my husband applied to get disability for his multiple
herniated discs in his neck and back, they told him that he could lift
10 pounds, and could work at a desk job or something. They also said
that in order to get SSI or SSDI, you have to be TOTALLY disabled and
not be able to do ANY kind of physical work at all, if you are claiming
a "physical" iinjury. A mental disorder is probably different?
I also agree with what somebody else also mentioned, is that maybe the
guy has some kind of MENTAL problem, and he just tells everyone he has a
bad back??
Like I said in my original post I only have limited details from what he
and his wife told me.
All he really said was he "no work" because of his "bad back". And he
told me that he "no work" because he is on "14 different medications a
His wife said that he hurt his back when he was "helping his brother
move a couch, and he lost his balance and fell down the stairs". She
said that at the time he was working at a "factory job, and HE WISHED
that he could have got hurt at work instead, so that he could get MORE
So according to his wife, he WANTED to get hurt at work??????
But all I know is that he tells everyone, all the other neighbors,
people coming over his house, people walking down the sidewalk, that he
can't "no work" because of his "bad back", yet he does all the things
that I mentioned in my original post. Everything from shoveling snow, to
mowing his lawn, moving furniture, and last wekk pushing his Isuzu SUV
100 feet down the driveway!!!!
So, should I gather up what pictures I have of him shoveling snow this
past winter, pushing his snowblower, mowing his lawn, washing his car,
and send them in to the Social Security Fraud Department?? What other
kind of info. do I have to give them, just his name and address??
Does anyone have the mailing address of where to send the pictures to,
to report the possible fraud???
2009-06-13 06:28:12 UTC

I did not mean to imply that you had a vendetta, only that it would
likely be perceived as such if you focussed too much on irrelevant
information to the purpose of your report.

Even in your husbands case, they tell the vast majority of us that we
can do some type of remedial work until we repeatedly appeal their

My own disability is primarily mental and anyone who asks me is told the
truth. But others I have known in similar circumstances are far more
inclined to claim they are either 1) retired OR 2) physically disabled.
In my own case the nature of my mental disability is very difficult for
me to explain, complicated and unusual. I am not bi-polar or anything
most would be likely to be familiar with. So it is opening a bag of
worms once that conversation begins but I am not a good liar so I tell
it as best I can.

I've had neighbors tell me that if anyone ever asks them if I am
disabled they will tell them "no, that guy can do anything." Of course
they are the ones less intelligent than myself so they believe if I am
smarter than them then surely nothing could be wrong with me. But, I
would never discourage anyone from pursuing it and told one neighbor if
he truly believes I am not disabled he has a duty to report me. We are
reviewed regularly so it isn't a one time thing and you're receiving
checks for life.

There was a man who I went through high school with who always appeared
to have problems. He got a factory job at a rather high paying place in
my home town and shortly there after was injured on the job. I have a
very good friend who watched him intentionally cut his fingers off
apparently so he could reapply for workman's compensation and what ever
disability they receive.(considerable, their full salaries I believe)
Anyway, this guy had several episodes of varying disabilities until the
time he cut his fingers off. He was union so they could not easily get
rid of him. After he lost his fingers they did and within six months he
hanged himself from his living room rafters. - So, I would say he had a
mental disability he should have sought treatment for but possibly not
aware of it himself he continued to avoid working and tried to cope the
only way he knew how until he had exhausted all efforts.

I do not know where you could email pictures. I would suggest you call
Social Security and ask them and they would likely provide you an
address or further information.

Good luck.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all of your great answers so far, Yes, I can't stand the guys
bad habits, but don't really have a vendetta because the guy smokes, he
could smoke 100 packs of cigarettes a day for all I care.
The point I was try to make was that everytime I or my kids are out in
my yard doing something, he has to come out there like every 5 to 10
minutes and watch us and STARE AT US everytime we are outside. So if I
were to confront him about this and ask him why he has to keep watching
us, he would probably use his cigarettes as an excuse and say something
like "well I'm only smoking".
Anyway, when my husband applied to get disability for his multiple
herniated discs in his neck and back, they told him that he could lift
10 pounds, and could work at a desk job or something. They also said
that in order to get SSI or SSDI, you have to be TOTALLY disabled and
not be able to do ANY kind of physical work at all, if you are claiming
a "physical" iinjury. A mental disorder is probably different?
I also agree with what somebody else also mentioned, is that maybe the
guy has some kind of MENTAL problem, and he just tells everyone he has a
bad back??
Like I said in my original post I only have limited details from what he
and his wife told me.
All he really said was he "no work" because of his "bad back". And he
told me that he "no work" because he is on "14 different medications a
His wife said that he hurt his back when he was "helping his brother
move a couch, and he lost his balance and fell down the stairs". She
said that at the time he was working at a "factory job, and HE WISHED
that he could have got hurt at work instead, so that he could get MORE
So according to his wife, he WANTED to get hurt at work??????
But all I know is that he tells everyone, all the other neighbors,
people coming over his house, people walking down the sidewalk, that he
can't "no work" because of his "bad back", yet he does all the things
that I mentioned in my original post. Everything from shoveling snow, to
mowing his lawn, moving furniture, and last wekk pushing his Isuzu SUV
100 feet down the driveway!!!!
So, should I gather up what pictures I have of him shoveling snow this
past winter, pushing his snowblower, mowing his lawn, washing his car,
and send them in to the Social Security Fraud Department?? What other
kind of info. do I have to give them, just his name and address??
Does anyone have the mailing address of where to send the pictures to,
to report the possible fraud???
2009-06-18 20:40:47 UTC
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all of your great answers so far, Yes, I can't stand the
guys bad habits, but don't really have a vendetta because the guy
smokes, he could smoke 100 packs of cigarettes a day for all I care.
The point I was try to make was that everytime I or my kids are out in
my yard doing something, he has to come out there like every 5 to 10
minutes and watch us and STARE AT US everytime we are outside. So if I
were to confront him about this and ask him why he has to keep
watching us, he would probably use his cigarettes as an excuse and
say something like "well I'm only smoking".
Anyway, when my husband applied to get disability for his multiple
herniated discs in his neck and back, they told him that he could lift
10 pounds, and could work at a desk job or something. They also said
that in order to get SSI or SSDI, you have to be TOTALLY disabled and
not be able to do ANY kind of physical work at all, if you are
claiming a "physical" iinjury. A mental disorder is probably
I also agree with what somebody else also mentioned, is that maybe the
guy has some kind of MENTAL problem, and he just tells everyone he
has a bad back??
Like I said in my original post I only have limited details from what
he and his wife told me.
All he really said was he "no work" because of his "bad back". And he
told me that he "no work" because he is on "14 different medications a
His wife said that he hurt his back when he was "helping his brother
move a couch, and he lost his balance and fell down the stairs". She
said that at the time he was working at a "factory job, and HE WISHED
that he could have got hurt at work instead, so that he could get MORE
So according to his wife, he WANTED to get hurt at work??????
But all I know is that he tells everyone, all the other neighbors,
people coming over his house, people walking down the sidewalk, that
he can't "no work" because of his "bad back", yet he does all the
things that I mentioned in my original post. Everything from
shoveling snow, to mowing his lawn, moving furniture, and last wekk
pushing his Isuzu SUV 100 feet down the driveway!!!!
So, should I gather up what pictures I have of him shoveling snow this
past winter, pushing his snowblower, mowing his lawn, washing his car,
and send them in to the Social Security Fraud Department?? What other
kind of info. do I have to give them, just his name and address??
Does anyone have the mailing address of where to send the pictures to,
to report the possible fraud???
Open your phone book and use the contents. Good grief!
2009-06-12 16:29:04 UTC
I also see him watching me and my family through his windows when he is
INSIDE his house as well!!!! He stands right in front of the window
watching every little thing we do outdoors!!!!!
Sounds like he has good reason to watch you since you are tip toeing around looking for ways to get him in
trouble. Grow some ovaries and tell the guy that you hate cigarette smoke.
2009-07-05 14:24:55 UTC
Hello everybody,
I am new to the group, and hoping that somebody might be able to help
me out, and give me some info??
That's way too long to read for what you're asking. IF you really want
to do this, then: Start by calling your local SS office and ask for
advice there. If none, call the national 800 number.
Be clear, concise and factual ONLY! No opinions, no tangents, just
give the facts.
Get an address to write to, a form if there is one, and do the actual
complaint in writing so there can be no he said/she said arguements.
Your yellow or blue pages in the phone book will also give you lots
of places to check with. There will be info on ssa.gov too.

2009-07-05 14:29:18 UTC
BTW: I've seen this identical post somewhere else, about this same
individual and with many of the same details, all seemingly word for
word. The quote with "no work" in it caught my eye in one of the
responses. Looks like a vendetta to me; the Federal Gvt loves it when
you use them as a tool to take the law into your own hands.

Hello everybody,
I am new to the group, and hoping that somebody might be able to help
me out, and give me some info??
Is it true that if you want to report someone for Social Security
FRAUD, that you have to know EXACTLY what type of Social Security
benefits they are getting?? If so, how the heck are you suppose to do
that, and find out what kind of disability they are on!? I have heard
that there are ALOT of different types of disability payments, and
not just one universal one!? Is this true?
Basically, here is whats going on. I will try to keep this as short as
possible, even though I could probably make it like 4 pages long!!!
I have been living next to my neighbor for 6 years now, and I have NO
DOUBT that he is committing Social Security Fraud. He is a Portuguese
guy who moved here from Portugal to the United States, back in the
late 80's or early 90's ( I forgot when exactly ), and he is in his
mid 50's.
I don't talk to the guy anymore because he disgusts me by committing
fraud, but when I first moved next door to him 6 years, I would talk
to him on occasion.
Basically he told me that he was on government disability, and
collected disability checks from the government every month, and he
wasn't able to "no work", because of his "bad back".
I will NEVER forget what he told me one time, and wish so very much
"I love America! I come to America, and I tell them I no work,
because I have bad back, and they give me checks to stay home!!".
I talked with his wife one time, and she told me that he hurt his back
because he was helping his brother move a couch, either up a staircase
or down a staircase ( I forgot which? ), and he lost his balance, and
fell down the stairs hurting his back.
She said that he wishes that he would have got hurt at his "factory
job" that he was working at, at the time, because he could have got
"MORE MONEY" collecting "workers comp". But because he got hurt
moving a couch, he now collects Social Security Disability checks
every month for "less money".
The only other thing I know, is that he told me that he also can't
work because he is on "14 different medications a day".
One of the other reasons why I can't stand the guy is because he stays
home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all he does is WATCH YOU and
The guy is a chain smoker, and smokes like 2 to 3 packs a day, and
everytime I am outdoors doing something like yard work, gardening,
playing with my kids, washing the car, etc, etc, he always has to come
out and stand there and smoke his cigarrette for 10 minutes and watch
every little thing your doing!!!!
I also see him watching me and my family through his windows when he
is INSIDE his house as well!!!! He stands right in front of the window
watching every little thing we do outdoors!!!!!
Even if its something like bringing in grocerys or or taking the trash
out, he has to come outside and STARE at you and WATCH you, while
smoking his cigarettes!!!!!
I was told from the neighbor across the street from us when I first
moved in 6 years ago that "he is the EYES of the neighborhood". "He is
ALWAYS watching EVERYBODY, to see what's going on and what they are
doing", she told me.
Over the years, I have seen him doing all kinds of stuff out in his
yard with his "bad back" he claims he has, and he DOESN'T ever look
to be in much pain at all. But last week, was the thing that really
burned me up the most, here's what happened.
Last week, he was pulling into his driveway with his Isuzu SUV and the
car died ( dead battery ), at the front of his driveway. Well, he
needed to get the car down to his garage which was about 100 feet
away, so that he could hook it up to the battery charger, and so he
put the Isuzu in neutral, and HE PUSHED the car about 100 feet down
the driveway to his garage!!!!!
Here are just SOME of the other things that I have seen him do over
#1 Mow his lawn in the summer with a PUSH lawnmower
#2 Push and use a snowblower in the winter to snowblow his driveway
and sidewalk
#3 Shovel his driveway and sidewalk with a snowshovel ( When his
snowblower was broken )
#5 Move around and carry big 5 gallon buckets of sand and rock salt
#6 Carry around and play with his 5 year old granddaughter
#7 Rake leaves and rake his yard
#8 Sweep his driveway with a broom
#9 Wash his mini-van and pickup truck in the driveway
#10 Vacuum his mini-van and truck
#11 Clean out his garage - lifting and moving around many heavy items
like car tires and rims, a grill, wooden tables, a big toolbox, etc,
#12 Change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway
#13 Carry and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard
#14 Carry tables down his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag
#15 Dig a vegetable garden with a garden hoe
#16 Wash his kitchen floor with a mop
#17 Put in and take out a HUGE 15,000 btu air conditioner out of the
window HIMSELF with no other help
#18 Carry bags of grocerys and big 50 pound bags of dog food into his
home, to name only a few
#19 Use a heavy BACKPACK type leafblower and wear it for 1 to 2 hours
straight while leaf-blowing his yard
#20 Carrying crates and cages full of live bunnies and chickens to the
bunny/chicken coup in his backyard.
#21 Bending over for LONG periods of time, killing live New Zealand
type bunnies and skinning them.
( Sorry if this has offended everybody, but this is what the jerk
does. Portuguese people love rabbit meat, as it is a delicacy to them.
Rabbit meat to them, is like lobster and steak is to Americans.
Every week he brings home anywhere from like 60-80 LIVE bunnies, and
he kills them, skins them, and sells the meat under-the-table for a
profit ).
When I first moved in, he actually asked me if I wanted to buy any
rabbit meat from him. He told me that it was $7 dollars if I wanted to
buy a dead rabbit and skin it and clean it myself, and $12 dollars if
I wanted him to skin it and clean it for me, and just give me the
And for all you animal lovers out there,YES, I have reported him to
ASPCA for this, and they did NOTHING!!!!! They said that he was
killing the bunnies humanely, and that most likely the bunnies were
being bred for food, and not for pets.
I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding
it over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?
Because this is how he kills these poor innocent bunnies. He takes
them out of the crate that they are in, and he holds them up over a 5
gallon bucket, and he stabs them with a sharp steak knife, and the
poor helpless bunny bleeds to death. He then proceeds to skin the
dead bunny, and clean it out, before throwing the meat into a
seperate 5 gallon bucket, which he will sell later on under-the-table
for $12 bucks each.
But the point I was trying to make, was that he says he has a "bad
back", but has no problem lifting and carrying a crate or metal cage
with about 10 live New Zealand bunnies throughout his yard.
And people that are famliar with New Zealand bunnies, know that they
are about the size of a fat house cat and weigh between 10 and 15
pounds each. And this guy is lifting up a metal cage with about 10 of
them in one cage!!!!!
Also, both his lawnmower and snowblower are NOT an electric start, its
one of those where he has to pull the rope to start it.
So he is able to pull the rope to start his lawnmower and snowblower
with no problem even though he says he is "totally disabled, because
of his bad back".
Somebody told me that in order to report him to Social Security for
fraud, that I need to get hard evidence of him doing stuff with his
supposed "bad back". I need to go outside with a camera or video
camera and take pictures or videotape him doing stuff??
Don't forget though, I have to live right next to this guy, I can't
start snapping pictures right in front of his face!? Besides, isn't it
illegal to take a picture of someone without their permission??
But, I have taken pictures of him doing some of this stuff, through my
windows, for evidence to give to Social Security. But is this good
Another thing that really burns me up, is that my husband has
herniated discs in his neck and back, as well as a bad knee, and
arthritis throughout his body, but when he applied to try to get
Social Security Disability, they denied him, telling home that "he
can lift 10 pounds, so go to work".
Yet, this guy comes here to the United States, from Portugal, tells
Social Security he can't do "no work" because of his "bad back", and
he is getting checks thrown at him by the U.S. government, even
though he sure seems capable of doing everything from yardwork,
installing air conditioners, moving tables and furniture, to washing
cars, and changing his own oil.
Must be nice to come here to America, and tell people you have a bad
back, and get free money, and live the good life.
The guy buys a new car, truck, or SUV just about every year. Heck,
last year he bought a brand new $25,000 dollar 2008 Jeep Liberty
right out of the showroom. He has some HUGE 60" inch flat screen
plasma TV that he paid a couple thousand for. He brags to all the
other neighbors how he made $30,000 dollars in home improvements to
his house last year, and how his house is now the nicest one on the
So, what can be done here?? How can I go or should I go about
reporting this guy for possible fraud???
Why should he get away with being able to milk the system out of free
money every month, that WE the taxpayers with jobs are paying for out
of OUR paychecks every week.
He should be forced to get a FULL-TIME job and pay back every single
dime that he has collected from the government, or he should be
sitting in a jail cell somewhere, or deported back to Portugal.
Any info. would greatly be appreciated on this matter!!
2015-08-31 21:21:35 UTC
wow, what a bunch of mean people on this board. no thanks.
2015-08-31 23:22:28 UTC
The Cooperative Disability Investigation Unit needs to take a look at
the criminal and life-long societal parasite James Stuart Hodges (aka

James Stuart Hodges is currently the administrator of iWebRadio, an
Internet radio station.

Several years ago, James Stuart Hodges claimed that he was just a DJ who
did a 3-hour weekly radio program and that it was just a hobby because
he wasn't the administrator. Well, that has since changed. At the
present time James Stuart Hodges is collecting SSDI while working
as the administrator of Internet radio station iWebRadio.

James Stuart Hodges also calims to be a "producer' at MommaSaid Studios.

Worse yet, all of the money that this criminal, scammer and con artist
receives comes to him under the table in the form of tax-exempt
donations/contributions. In fact he even has a PayPal account set up so
that listeners of iWebRadio can send him money under the guise of so-
called donations and contributions.

James Stuart Hodges is a criminal and a con artist who needs to be
investigated by the Social Security Administration for fraud as well as
by the Internal Reverue Service for income tax evasion.

James Stuart Hodges is a self-proclaimed sociopath who has a long record
of violent conduct and several felony arrests. He was once locked up in
a loony bin by Law Enforcement and needs to be put back in a cage where
he belongs.

From: "6StringStu" <***@nccray.net>
Newsgroups: alt.social-security-disability
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 01:02:30 -0500
" Of the three felonies on my record,
1: Violation of the Mann act (federal kidnapping accross state
2nd Felony arrest Homicide........
3rd felony arrest assault with intent........
Lots of misdomeanors.....
fighting hand to hand stuff......"
2015-09-01 14:16:40 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
wow, what a bunch of mean people on this board. no thanks.
The off-topic posts are by one troll using multiple fake names. That
explains what you see.
2015-09-01 23:35:46 UTC
Post by j***@juno.com
Post by j***@gmail.com
wow, what a bunch of mean people on this board. no thanks.
The off-topic posts are by one troll using multiple fake names. That
explains what you see.
An unsubstantiated assertion by a wacko nut job like you, Geraldine,
doesn't constitute an explanation.
2019-03-21 08:34:09 UTC
Hello everybody,
I am new to the group, and hoping that somebody might be able to help me
out, and give me some info??
Is it true that if you want to report someone for Social Security FRAUD,
that you have to know EXACTLY what type of Social Security benefits they
are getting?? If so, how the heck are you suppose to do that, and find
out what kind of disability they are on!? I have heard that there are
ALOT of different types of disability payments, and not just one
universal one!? Is this true?
Basically, here is whats going on. I will try to keep this as short as
possible, even though I could probably make it like 4 pages long!!!
I have been living next to my neighbor for 6 years now, and I have NO
DOUBT that he is committing Social Security Fraud. He is a Portuguese
guy who moved here from Portugal to the United States, back in the late
80's or early 90's ( I forgot when exactly ), and he is in his mid 50's.
I don't talk to the guy anymore because he disgusts me by committing
fraud, but when I first moved next door to him 6 years, I would talk to
him on occasion.
Basically he told me that he was on government disability, and collected
disability checks from the government every month, and he wasn't able to
"no work", because of his "bad back".
I will NEVER forget what he told me one time, and wish so very much that
"I love America! I come to America, and I tell them I no work, because I
have bad back, and they give me checks to stay home!!".
I talked with his wife one time, and she told me that he hurt his back
because he was helping his brother move a couch, either up a staircase
or down a staircase ( I forgot which? ), and he lost his balance, and
fell down the stairs hurting his back.
She said that he wishes that he would have got hurt at his "factory job"
that he was working at, at the time, because he could have got "MORE
MONEY" collecting "workers comp". But because he got hurt moving a
couch, he now collects Social Security Disability checks every month for
"less money".
The only other thing I know, is that he told me that he also can't work
because he is on "14 different medications a day".
One of the other reasons why I can't stand the guy is because he stays
home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all he does is WATCH YOU and SPY
The guy is a chain smoker, and smokes like 2 to 3 packs a day, and
everytime I am outdoors doing something like yard work, gardening,
playing with my kids, washing the car, etc, etc, he always has to come
out and stand there and smoke his cigarrette for 10 minutes and watch
every little thing your doing!!!!
I also see him watching me and my family through his windows when he is
INSIDE his house as well!!!! He stands right in front of the window
watching every little thing we do outdoors!!!!!
Even if its something like bringing in grocerys or or taking the trash
out, he has to come outside and STARE at you and WATCH you, while
smoking his cigarettes!!!!!
I was told from the neighbor across the street from us when I first
moved in 6 years ago that "he is the EYES of the neighborhood". "He is
ALWAYS watching EVERYBODY, to see what's going on and what they are
doing", she told me.
Over the years, I have seen him doing all kinds of stuff out in his yard
with his "bad back" he claims he has, and he DOESN'T ever look to be in
much pain at all. But last week, was the thing that really burned me up
the most, here's what happened.
Last week, he was pulling into his driveway with his Isuzu SUV and the
car died ( dead battery ), at the front of his driveway. Well, he needed
to get the car down to his garage which was about 100 feet away, so that
he could hook it up to the battery charger, and so he put the Isuzu in
neutral, and HE PUSHED the car about 100 feet down the driveway to his
Here are just SOME of the other things that I have seen him do over the
#1 Mow his lawn in the summer with a PUSH lawnmower
#2 Push and use a snowblower in the winter to snowblow his driveway and
#3 Shovel his driveway and sidewalk with a snowshovel ( When his
snowblower was broken )
#5 Move around and carry big 5 gallon buckets of sand and rock salt
#6 Carry around and play with his 5 year old granddaughter
#7 Rake leaves and rake his yard
#8 Sweep his driveway with a broom
#9 Wash his mini-van and pickup truck in the driveway
#10 Vacuum his mini-van and truck
#11 Clean out his garage - lifting and moving around many heavy items
like car tires and rims, a grill, wooden tables, a big toolbox, etc,
#12 Change the oil in his truck and mini-van in the driveway
#13 Carry and stack firewood this past fall in his backyard
#14 Carry tables down his driveway to his front yard to set up a tag
#15 Dig a vegetable garden with a garden hoe
#16 Wash his kitchen floor with a mop
#17 Put in and take out a HUGE 15,000 btu air conditioner out of the
window HIMSELF with no other help
#18 Carry bags of grocerys and big 50 pound bags of dog food into his
home, to name only a few
#19 Use a heavy BACKPACK type leafblower and wear it for 1 to 2 hours
straight while leaf-blowing his yard
#20 Carrying crates and cages full of live bunnies and chickens to the
bunny/chicken coup in his backyard.
#21 Bending over for LONG periods of time, killing live New Zealand type
bunnies and skinning them.
( Sorry if this has offended everybody, but this is what the jerk does.
Portuguese people love rabbit meat, as it is a delicacy to them.
Rabbit meat to them, is like lobster and steak is to Americans.
Every week he brings home anywhere from like 60-80 LIVE bunnies, and he
kills them, skins them, and sells the meat under-the-table for a profit
When I first moved in, he actually asked me if I wanted to buy any
rabbit meat from him. He told me that it was $7 dollars if I wanted to
buy a dead rabbit and skin it and clean it myself, and $12 dollars if I
wanted him to skin it and clean it for me, and just give me the meat.
And for all you animal lovers out there,YES, I have reported him to
ASPCA for this, and they did NOTHING!!!!! They said that he was killing
the bunnies humanely, and that most likely the bunnies were being bred
for food, and not for pets.
I told them, that I didn't know that taking a live bunny, and holding it
over a 5 gallon bucket and stabbing it with a sharp steak knife and
letting it BLEED to death was being humane!?
Because this is how he kills these poor innocent bunnies. He takes them
out of the crate that they are in, and he holds them up over a 5 gallon
bucket, and he stabs them with a sharp steak knife, and the poor
helpless bunny bleeds to death. He then proceeds to skin the dead bunny,
and clean it out, before throwing the meat into a seperate 5 gallon
bucket, which he will sell later on under-the-table for $12 bucks each.
But the point I was trying to make, was that he says he has a "bad
back", but has no problem lifting and carrying a crate or metal cage
with about 10 live New Zealand bunnies throughout his yard.
And people that are famliar with New Zealand bunnies, know that they are
about the size of a fat house cat and weigh between 10 and 15 pounds
each. And this guy is lifting up a metal cage with about 10 of them in
one cage!!!!!
Also, both his lawnmower and snowblower are NOT an electric start, its
one of those where he has to pull the rope to start it.
So he is able to pull the rope to start his lawnmower and snowblower
with no problem even though he says he is "totally disabled, because of
his bad back".
Somebody told me that in order to report him to Social Security for
fraud, that I need to get hard evidence of him doing stuff with his
supposed "bad back". I need to go outside with a camera or video camera
and take pictures or videotape him doing stuff??
Don't forget though, I have to live right next to this guy, I can't
start snapping pictures right in front of his face!? Besides, isn't it
illegal to take a picture of someone without their permission??
But, I have taken pictures of him doing some of this stuff, through my
windows, for evidence to give to Social Security. But is this good
Another thing that really burns me up, is that my husband has herniated
discs in his neck and back, as well as a bad knee, and arthritis
throughout his body, but when he applied to try to get Social Security
Disability, they denied him, telling home that "he can lift 10 pounds,
so go to work".
Yet, this guy comes here to the United States, from Portugal, tells
Social Security he can't do "no work" because of his "bad back", and he
is getting checks thrown at him by the U.S. government, even though he
sure seems capable of doing everything from yardwork, installing air
conditioners, moving tables and furniture, to washing cars, and changing
his own oil.
Must be nice to come here to America, and tell people you have a bad
back, and get free money, and live the good life.
The guy buys a new car, truck, or SUV just about every year. Heck, last
year he bought a brand new $25,000 dollar 2008 Jeep Liberty right out of
the showroom. He has some HUGE 60" inch flat screen plasma TV that he
paid a couple thousand for. He brags to all the other neighbors how he
made $30,000 dollars in home improvements to his house last year, and
how his house is now the nicest one on the street.
So, what can be done here?? How can I go or should I go about reporting
this guy for possible fraud???
Why should he get away with being able to milk the system out of free
money every month, that WE the taxpayers with jobs are paying for out of
OUR paychecks every week.
He should be forced to get a FULL-TIME job and pay back every single
dime that he has collected from the government, or he should be sitting
in a jail cell somewhere, or deported back to Portugal.
Any info. would greatly be appreciated on this matter!!
Lady you should get a check because you are psychotic. You have no idea how hard it is to qualify for benefits. They dont just give it to anyone. Also there are may different reasons s person can be disabled. Most are invisible. Your not a doctor, so maybe just mind your own business. I am glad your dont live near me. You would certainly stink up the neighborhood.
2019-04-03 22:32:51 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Lady you should get a check because you are psychotic. You have no
idea how hard it is to qualify for benefits. They dont just give it to
anyone. Also there are may different reasons s person can be disabled.
Most are invisible. Your not a doctor, so maybe just mind your own
business. I am glad your dont live near me. You would certainly stink
up the neighborhood.
You're right that most disabilities are "invisible". Just go to any public
parking lot and you will see just how easy it is someone to claim that they
are disabled, and how many parasites like you there are who have so-called
"invisible" disabilities.
2020-04-26 03:22:26 UTC
Post by Jacl
Post by s***@gmail.com
Lady you should get a check because you are psychotic. You have no
idea how hard it is to qualify for benefits. They dont just give it to
anyone. Also there are may different reasons s person can be disabled.
Most are invisible. Your not a doctor, so maybe just mind your own
business. I am glad your dont live near me. You would certainly stink
up the neighborhood.
You're right that most disabilities are "invisible". Just go to any public
parking lot and you will see just how easy it is someone to claim that they
are disabled, and how many parasites like you there are who have so-called
"invisible" disabilities.
ugh me?...?: ya I agree...? i has a disabled family member. and i have a learning disabilty. but at 19 yr old i just be came a dancer since it was easyier to to do that istead of trying to get disableity. so i agree compleatly with both coments.....and the invisible disabiltiy also! so ya! screw the haters!

(id like to be off this thread, whereever it camefrom)

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