Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***"The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes,
duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for
the common defense and general welfare of the United States."
Wow, you really do avoid looking the US Constitution.
No wonder you hate this country so much.
Why do you stay?
Because people like me have to pay the taxes that the government
uses to provide handouts to Parasites like you.
We have seen no proof you pay any taxes. You are not disabled or
on SSDI, so you have no valid reason to be using this newsgroup.
Thus, you lie. You do not pay taxes. You are Parasite.
I don't need to provide any proof of the taxes that I have paid,
especially to a piss-ant Parasite like you.
You can't prove what doesnt' exist. So you lie instead.
Unlike you, Parasite, I don't need to lie because I can prove anything
that needs to be proven. Your problem is that I don't have to prove
anything to an idiotic piss-ant jackass and Parasite like you.
You are required to lie in order to keep the public from learning you
are an Internet troll--as documented by your postings.
I'm not lying about anything. Like billions of others, I use a fake email
address in order to prevent my real email address from being deluged by
spam. On the other hand, your buddy Jack (Shitwad) Wesolowski, who
destroyed this as well as several other newsgroups, uses fake nyms and
email addresses to keep the public from learning that he is an internet
troll, as documented by his decade-long record of trolling and spamming a
multitude of UseNet newsgroups.
If you are not lying, then prove it. I use a VALID e-mail address and
I have few problems with spam. You could be Wesolowski using yet
another nym. "Uses fake nymbs and e-mail addresses to keep from
learning he is an internet troll...trolling and spamming a multitude
of Usnet newgroups." That fits *you* AND your actions perfectly. You
have no connection to the purpose of the group, so that leaves you
being here as a troll.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comNope. Here it is, repeated for you to read AND try to
"The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes,
duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for
the common defense and general welfare of the United States."
Perhaps the words "general welfare of the United States" is your
problem. After all, you ARE on welfare--as you are a general. So
taxes can only pay for the welfare of generals ("general
welfare"). So you do get welfare--per the US Constitution.
I am not a general, so I am not, per the US Constitution,
getting welfare. I am being paid benefits under a program paid
for and funded by me.
You get handouts using the tax money that the govenrment takes
from people like me who actually work for the money that they
Now THAT is a hysterical claim. We see no record of YOU having
worked OR paid taxes.
The IRS has the record, and that's all that matters. Also, I
haven't seen the dark side of the moon, but everyone knows that it
If such a record existed, you would be able to produce it.
I don't have to produce anything for the purpose of accommodating the
demands an idiotic jackass and piss-ant Parasite like you.
You also do not produce anything for the purpose of of providing for
your own needs, so you are on welfare. You are Parasite.
Dream on.
LOL !! More troll talk.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comYou have
produced no records of alleged taxes paid. Fake claims are not based
in reality, and can not be substantiated for that reason. You have not
produced anything to prove you have ever worked or paid taxes.
I don't have to provide any proof to anyone, especially to an idiotic
jackass and piss-ant Parasite like you.
Trolls don't provide proof because they have none. Especially Parasite
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comIn my case, I am collecting SSDI benefits. In order to be able to
do that, I was required to have worked AND "paid taxes" as
specified by the Social Security Administration. As I have "paid
taxes" AND the govt admits this fact by paying my valid claim
every month, by YOUR OWN definition, I can NOT be a parasite.
I paid taxes too, but unlike you I don't get any handouts. That's
the difference. You suck on the public tit because you are a
I paid insurance premiums--per the Social Security Administration.
"Social Security Disability Insurance pays benefits to you and
certain members of your family if you are "insured," meaning that
you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes."
A quote without a reference is meaningless, especially coming from a
Parasite like you who has been caught repeatedly in one lie after another.
The fact you did NOT "copy and paste" the "quote" into Google to find
it tells us what we need to know. Or perhaps the words "Social
Security Disability Insurance" was the part you missed? Last time I
looked, their official web site is . Which
makes it an official US govt web site (the .gov) part is the clue.
I didn't copy and paste the quote into Google because I'm not interested.
Trolls are only interested in trolling. You ARE the troll !!
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comAh, you live in Brownbackistan. THAT explains a lot.
Guess again, Parasite.
Then you do not live in the US, as the non-state portions
controlled by the US are all red areas because they are
financially dependent on the US because they receive more in
benefits than they pay in taxes.
Guess again, Parasite.
Ah, that means you live in a mental asylum. You do not live in a
blue state, you do not live in a red state, and you do not live in
any terroritory controlled by the US. You do not live outside the US
because, if you did, you would not owe US taxes.
Post by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comTo the music fom a song in "Sound of Music"
Spewing on multiple newsgroups,
Lacking a grip on the real world...
I've been on the Internet for nearly two decades....long before
I stumbled and fell into the cesspool which you call home.
I was using it well before 1995. I was watching its development
about 1983 or so. It was not ready for general use at that time.
Just for shits and giggles, can YOU tell us WHY the Internet was
not ready for general use by the public in 1983?
Just for shits and giggles, tell us why you are a shit-for-brains
Parasite instead of a multi-billionaire?
You admit I *have* brains.
I made an assertion, not an admission. You obviously don't know the
difference, which is proof that you have have shit for brains.
"have have"? WOW !! Double the brains !! Or you lack the capacity to
comprehend something. Yeah, we'll go with you are in a mental asylum.
Watch out. Your intelligence is showing.
Way too many targets there.
Obviously none of which you were able to hit.
I hit them all--one shot. After all, you said I "have have" brains.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comStarting with the first one: You admit I have intelligence.
So does a worm, and your's is pretty much at that level.
You are so far down that hole, everything appears to be at the same
level to you--unattainably above you.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comSo far, we have seen no proof of intelligence on your part.
That's your problem, not mine.
How so? You contradict yourself, but that is no surprise.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comThus far, no one can state they have seen
anything that documents you have even one brain.
How many people have you asked?
You admitted the fact to be true.
Don't you ever get tired of fabricating lies and nonsensical drivel?
If I was telling lies, then there would be no way to prove them to be
true. I have proven, with official documentation from the relevant
sources, the claims I made were true. Those statements were not lies.
Since you're obviously confused, let me be more precise. Only 99% of the
statements that you make are lies.
You are posting in an SSDI group--which is 100% truth.
I am getting SSDI benefits--which is 100% truth.
I have a legitimate reason to here--which is 100% truth.
You have no reason to be here other than to be a troll--which is 100%
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comDrivel? By me? LOL !!! If you don't like it, go away. Oh yeah, I was
here before you were--as you have publicly stated. The fact you stay
means YOU are the one posting "nonsensical drivel".
Post by j***@juno.comBy leaving, you
would no longer be able to bother those who come to this group.
Thanks to trolls and spammers like you and your buddy Jack (Shitwad)
Wesolowski, who destroyed this group, no one comes here any longer.
You ARE the troll !! <LOL> !!
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comAnd
you crosspost (hmmm, do you also crossdress?) in order to reach more
people with one posting.
Given that you initiated cross-posting, that makes you the hypcritical pot
calling the kettle black.
My first posting to this thread was a response. Thus, I did not
initiate cross-posting. Are you still cross-dressing?
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netThen let me rectify that oversight for the record. Unlike you,
I've never had a dick in my mouth.
But you had Richard, Tom, not-Dick, Harry, Fred, and many more in
there.... Perhaps the question should have been: Who has NOT been
in there? Most certainly a dentist or dental hygienist has not
been close.
As usual, you are wrong on both counts. In fact, I just got a
reminder that I have a an appointment with my dental hygienist (who
is a female) on the 29th of the month.
BOTH counts? ROFLMAO !!! YOU posted it--not me !!!
Post by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netThe only surprise is your inability to comprehemd the written
word. Your continuted attempts to put your words in my mouth are
as as pathetic as they are old.
"englishclub" problems AGAIN?
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comCopy/paste is the definition of quoting.
"1. repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or
speech), typically with an indication that one is not the
original author or speaker."
Note the *omission* of the requirement to use "quotation
marks". Ah, this is NOT "englishclub". ROFMAO !!!
The laugh's on you, Parasite. A link is not a group of words
from a text or speech. Also, it's the use of quotation marks
that provide the indication that one is not the original author
or speaker.
ROFLMAO !! You forgot your "quotation marks" from your very own
"englishclub". A link is an exact quotation of the web address--
otherwise, it does not take the viewer to the website. SANS QUOTES !
The laugh's once again on you, Parasite. A link is an exact copy
of the web address, which is why it takes the viewer to the
webisite. The words copy and quote are not synonyms. Look them
up, Parasite.
A quote is a copy. A copy is a quote.
I recently sent someone a copy of my resume. What I sent was a
copy, not a quote.
Correct. Because YOU were the originator of the document. You did
NOT copy someone's work--hence, no need to "quote". "englishcllub"
rules !
But you just said "A quote is a copy. A copy is a quote." Are you now
qualifying that idiotic assertion that you pulled out of your ass?
Nope. The use of "quotation marks" is when indicating *someone else*
is the author. You created your own fake resume, so there is no need
for "quotation marks".
I know when quotation marks are required. But you are the one who made the
unqualified assertion that "A quote is a copy. A copy is a quote."
Also, the veracity of my resume is well documented. That's why chicken-
shit cowards like you, who make false allegations, don't name names.
The use of "quotation marks" is when indicating *someone else* is the
author. You created your own fake resume, so there is no need
for "quotation marks".
For the above response, *I* am the original author, thus I do not have
to put "quotation marks" around it nor provide attribution. If I was
not the original author and was "quoting" someone else, I would have
to put it in "quotation marks" and provide attribution.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netIf I were to stop posting, you would lose the opportunity to
entertain the world with your daily dose of mindless,
incoherent, nonsensical drivel.
Please stop posting. The world would be better as a result. GOTCHA !!
Without someone to expose the propaganda, lies and nonsesnical
drivel that Parasites like you spew, the world would be much,
much worse.
Even more reasons for you to stop posting.
You may want a world that is much, much worse, but I don't. And,
since neither you nor anyone else can stop me, I'll just keep posting.
Which documents to the world the fact you are here to bother
others for your entertainment.
I am not here to bother anyone. But I have to admit that your
replies are definitely entertaining. Also, in case you haven't
noticed, there aren't any others here to bother.
You deliberately cross-post to specifically to be able to try to
bother more people.
You are the one who is deliberately cross-posting for the purpose of
bothering more people. My replies automatically go only to the
newsgroups to which you are cross-posting.
My response was to all the groups to which the original post was made.
So that still leaves you as the one who did the cross-posting and
No, that leaves you as the cross-dresser who originated the cross-posting.
The only one originating posts to multiple groups that include THIS
group (over time) is you. Which means I could not be responsible.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comI have nailed your nonsensical arguments and you
and all the other readers know it. That is why you keep copying and
quoting what I say and try to call others what you are: Parasite. I
publicly nailed you as being a parasite and you have been a publicly
documented failure ever since.
Dream on, Parasite.
LOL !! There you go, proving how unimaginative you truly are. You are
copying what I have named you.
Dream on, Parasite.
Cross-dressing cross-poster documenting his "man love" with both
Merriam AND Webster. We all know where he "gets it", but we do not
know if it happens at both ends *simultaneously*.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comGetting your crap thrown back at you is not what you want. But that is >
what I am doing. Keep it up, Parasite.
The crap that you are throwing is your crap, not mine. So, keep
throwing, Parasite. And congratulations on the role that you played
in destroying this newsgroup and turning it into the spam pit that
it is today.
See? My point is proven.
Only in your dreams, Parasite.
I proved my point on the newsgroups. I don't have to dream about
accomplishing things in my dreams. I accomplish them in real life.
Only in your dreams, Parasite
I accomplish things in real life. No dream needed.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netHow many looky-loo's do you think are watching?
Don't know, don't care.
Neither do I, Parasite.
Then why did you ask?
To demonstrate that you are a chickeh-shit coward who has a long-standing
track record of making statements that he can not prove.
I get SSDI. To get SSDI, one must have a "track record" of being
eligible for those benefits by having worked and paid for them. Then
one must prove disability to get those benefits. You have done none of
the above. I am calling you a liar to your face.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netAre you buying or selling water-front property in the swamp
lands of Florida?
How many acres do you want? All cash, sold "as is, where is".
List it on eBay.
Then you would never know. You can't afford eBay.
I spend more money annually on eBay than parasites like you get in
annual handouts from the governemt.
Then why didn't you bid on the acreage in Florida?
Because I already have several land investments and don't need any more.
Ah, you own all the stuff off the shore of LA and GA and FL. The
real question is very obvious: Are they LAND investments?
My investments are none of your business, Parasite.
You have none.
In your dreams, Parasite.
Then prove me wrong. I *dare* you. Next, you will say "how childish!".
and I will respond "You *still* have done nothing but TALK." Those who
can--DO. Those who can't--talk.
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netThis isn't a place where morons and Parasites like you define
the rules of proper punctuation.
"englishclub" rules? ROFLMAO !
"englishclub" rules? ROFLMAO !!
"englishclub" rules"? ROFLMAO !!!
"englishclub" rules"? ROFLMAO !!!!
Funny how you very carefully removed my "quote" of how quotations
should be done--which came from GOOGLE--and you left in FOUR
copies of your own "englishclub" drivel.
Unlike you, I never delete anything. If something was deleted, you
are the one who deleted it.
Now THIS is going to get interesting.
1. Do you buy insurance?
If you buy insurance, answer "yes."
If you do NOT buy insurance, answer "no".
2. If you do NOT buy insurance, who pays when you have a loss?
3. Do you accept donations (welfare) from any source?
4. If you DO buy insurance, do you expect to be refunded the premium
paid because you did NOT file a claim?
5. If you DO buy insurance, and you have a covered loss, do you file
a claim with the insurance company in order to collect on the
insurance for which you have paid premiums?
What I do and/or don't do and why is none of your business, Parasite.
Actually, the five questions posted above are the core of your
parasitic existence. If you answered them, it would expose your lies
to the public and make you an even bigger butt of jokes (Kim would be
soooooo envious, Kanye might want to marry you).
Only in your dreams, Parsite.
1. Do you buy insurance?
If you buy insurance, answer "yes."
If you do NOT buy insurance, answer "no".
2. If you do NOT buy insurance, who pays when you have a loss?
3. Do you accept donations (welfare) from any source?
4. If you DO buy insurance, do you expect to be refunded the premium
paid because you did NOT file a claim?
5. If you DO buy insurance, and you have a covered loss, do you file
a claim with the insurance company in order to collect on the
insurance for which you have paid premiums?
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netNo examples are necessary because your posts are nothing other
than a litany of lies.
You typing with your mouth full? LOL !!
You typing with your thumb in your mouth?
LOL !! You ARE copying me.
If I were copying you, I would have asked "You typing with your mouth
full? LOL". So the laugh's on you.....Parasite.
No, that would be QUOTING me. You are trying to imitate my *style*,
which--as everyone can see--you failed to do.
Dream on...Parasite.
1. Do you buy insurance?
If you buy insurance, answer "yes."
If you do NOT buy insurance, answer "no".
2. If you do NOT buy insurance, who pays when you have a loss?
3. Do you accept donations (welfare) from any source?
4. If you DO buy insurance, do you expect to be refunded the premium
paid because you did NOT file a claim?
5. If you DO buy insurance, and you have a covered loss, do you file
a claim with the insurance company in order to collect on the
insurance for which you have paid premiums?
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netHow is the fact that you are a parasite and welfare queen my problem?
You were named Parasite by me. You remain Parasite forever.
Hence the reason you hide. That is what parasites do. I do not
hide. Hence, I can not be a parasite.
Also, if you are not hiding, why don't you resume posting as
You get three guesses, and the first six guesses you make don't count.
I'm not interested in playing your guessing game.
When you know you are losing, you run away.
Well, guess what? I'm back....Parasite.
And I'm still not interested in playing your guessing game.
Then leave the newsgroup permanently in order to stop. Otherwise, you
are playing your game.
Dream on, Parasite.
1. Do you buy insurance?
If you buy insurance, answer "yes."
If you do NOT buy insurance, answer "no".
2. If you do NOT buy insurance, who pays when you have a loss?
3. Do you accept donations (welfare) from any source?
4. If you DO buy insurance, do you expect to be refunded the premium
paid because you did NOT file a claim?
5. If you DO buy insurance, and you have a covered loss, do you file
a claim with the insurance company in order to collect on the
insurance for which you have paid premiums?
Post by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comPost by j***@soso.netPost by j***@juno.comWe all know you can't count or do arithmetic....
Dream on.....Parasite.
Further proof you copy AND quote what I say. What a Parasite !!
Must be one of your boyfriends. They are both "not dick"....
Cross-dressing cross-poster documenting his "man love" with both
Merriam AND Webster. We all know where he "gets it", but we do not
know if it happens at both ends *simultaneously*.