Another Watcher
2015-06-22 00:01:36 UTC
In 2007, someone using the nym "TheWatcher" posted a writeup about James
Stuart Hodges (aka 6StringStu) in the on-line Internet Forum of The
American Profile. In that writeup, TheWatcher stated "On the day of his
birth his father was passed out drunk after just getting out of prison for
writing bad checks."
On Father's Day, June 21, 2015, the career criminal, self-proclaimed
sociopath and life-long societal parasite James Stuart Hodges (aka
6StringStu) posted the following statement on his Facebook page.
"On the day of my birth, my father was passed out on the couch at home.."
Maybe "TheWatcher" was just guessing about the life of the criminal and
self-proclaimed sociopath James Stuart Hodges and just accidentally
happened to get that singular fact right. Alternatively, maybe
"TheWatcher" has ALL of the facts about James Stuart Hodges right. If so,
here's what else "TheWatcher" had to say about James Stuart Hodges.
"After discharge James Hodges found himself in trouble with the feds,
facing a sentence of twentyfive years to life. he beat it on a defense of
Not guilty by reason of Insanity and sunsequently was sent to the state
where the crime had taken place and housed in a mental institution....for
four years..."
Unfortunatly, even though the Feds once had this demonstrably-nsane
sociopath locked up, they let him loose and free to physically assault his
victims on the street and in bar rooms, and later on to assault his victims
with defmatory lies about them on the UseNet.
Stuart Hodges (aka 6StringStu) in the on-line Internet Forum of The
American Profile. In that writeup, TheWatcher stated "On the day of his
birth his father was passed out drunk after just getting out of prison for
writing bad checks."
On Father's Day, June 21, 2015, the career criminal, self-proclaimed
sociopath and life-long societal parasite James Stuart Hodges (aka
6StringStu) posted the following statement on his Facebook page.
"On the day of my birth, my father was passed out on the couch at home.."
Maybe "TheWatcher" was just guessing about the life of the criminal and
self-proclaimed sociopath James Stuart Hodges and just accidentally
happened to get that singular fact right. Alternatively, maybe
"TheWatcher" has ALL of the facts about James Stuart Hodges right. If so,
here's what else "TheWatcher" had to say about James Stuart Hodges.
"After discharge James Hodges found himself in trouble with the feds,
facing a sentence of twentyfive years to life. he beat it on a defense of
Not guilty by reason of Insanity and sunsequently was sent to the state
where the crime had taken place and housed in a mental institution....for
four years..."
Unfortunatly, even though the Feds once had this demonstrably-nsane
sociopath locked up, they let him loose and free to physically assault his
victims on the street and in bar rooms, and later on to assault his victims
with defmatory lies about them on the UseNet.