(too old to reply)
2018-08-01 23:42:22 UTC
I have ssdi and ssi?it shows both payments online as this month 0.00? I was written in letter I have retro for 13 months but mean! Lady told me no . It's only first month and my rep hasn't returned my cakl. I'm confused. I have many deposits of all amounts and one that never actually went to my account ? Lady said it's not showing yet I see it on my online? I don't understand anyg of this I get 173 ssi and 915 ssdi? I had two depskirs this month one for over two grand and another over 2 grand that isn't there ? Plus tuoday one for 273? Wtf is allvyjis helpppp
2018-08-01 23:43:59 UTC
She told me the two depskirs were my retro but thats not what paper said , is kt the onkine isnt up to date ?