Parasite is caught in its own trap
(too old to reply)
2016-03-03 14:40:37 UTC
For starters, you are assuming facts not in evidence. I do have
insurance, but only to cover catastrophic situations. Fortunately,
have yet occurred, so I haven't received any of the so-called
payouts" to which you refer.
Oh my !!! "Catastrophic situations" !!
If you believe that he has no health insurance, and at his age
never collected on it, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.
You also have shit for brains. What morons like you believe doesn't
define the reality of my situation. I don't have health insurance, and
the reason is because, unlike you, I'm in perfect health. Now, why
you go crawl into a corner and die.
Now we all KNOW you are a parasite AND that you INTEND to
CONTINUE TO BE a parasite on general society (not just on
this newsgroup). You have publicly admitted it.
First, you state you have insurance to cover catastrophic
Second, you state you have NO HEALTH INSURANCE !!!!
You do NOT have the cash or resources to cover a major
medical expenditure (because if you had the money, you would
have health insurance--yet you specifically state you do NOT
have health insurance). Therefore, the ONLY way your major
medical needs ("catastrophic situations") can be met is by
YOU being even MORE of a parasite on general society.
Thus, you have PLANNED to be a PARASITE on society all
along--and you have publicly admitted it.
THAT is applying YOUR definition of "parasite" to YOU.
Bye bye, Parasite....
First of all, in addition to being a pompous asshole, you're a complete
idiot. Secondly, you know nothing at all about my resources. Thirdly,
having health insurance or being a societal parasite are not the only two
options. There are many others. One is a medical savings account. I'll
let you figure out the others, if you can.

Again, you contradict yourself, Parasite.. Now why is that
NOT a surprise.....

Parasite, you don't have any resources. All you have is a
pair of flabby lips at both ends of a long digestive tract.
The "halo" is where your empty head enters your ass.

How do we all KNOW Parasite (you) doesn't have any
resources? A medical savings account (HSA--because you don't
have an FSA) requires insurance to work. You stated you
DON'T have health insurance, thus no HSA or FSA (because FSA
means your EMPLOYER is picking up the tab for that
insurance--but you stated you DON'T have insurance). You do
know what a JOB is, don't you, Parasite? A JOB is what
bought us SSDI. But you don't know what JOB or WORK are.

Parasite (you) may think I am an idiot. That is
Parasite-talk for you being envious of us who were able to
work, find jobs, get paid, and then have the misfortune to
become sick or injured--enough so the govt declared us
eligible for SSDI. Yet you still have your head up your
ass--and you don't get SSDI. Parasite, you may qualify for
SSI (pure welfare, which is Parasite Paradise).

Using your own public claims in this newsgroup, I have
documented you have knowingly planned and desired to be a
parasite on both this newsgroup AND general society. You
have your lips wrapped around multiple govt and societal
teats at all levels--you can't get enough of it. That is the
definition of a "Parasite" (you).

Bye bye, Parasite. Don't let the door hit you in the head on
your way out.


On Sat, 24 Apr 2010 11:46:25 -0500, Twayne
I'm not ready to exterminate anyone. However, I do think that the gov
should pull the plug on all money sucking SSDI parasites who are either
outright criminals or psychotic mental cases who are simply too f--ing
lazy to get a job.
You are The Parasite on society. Go away and stop sucking
off here. You are too lazy to get a job--so you are not
eligible for SSDI. That tells us what we need to know about
you. You get pure welfare. You are a welfare queen.
Unlike you and the other societal parasites here, I actually work for the
money that I receive. But feel free to believe whatever tickles your
twat, moron.

Oh Parasite, you are such a silly Republican't TeaBagger.

Once again, you publicly demonstrate you are clueless--and
document how YOU are a parasite on multiple societies. By
definition, SSDI is insurance (that is the "I" in SSDI--
remember?)--for which one is required to work, be employed,
and to have paid premiums. We fully understand these are
alien concepts to you. Those on SSDI, by definition, can NOT
be parasites (as you are)--their benefits are being
collected because they paid their premiums and became

You collect SSI--pure govt welfare--state/federal/local .

You are being a parasite on these groups AND on society in
general. You CLAIM you work for your money--but SSI is NOT
work--it is WELFARE. You stated you do NOT have health
insurance--which would be supplied by an employer IF you had
a job. Which means you are planning to continue to be a
PARASITE on society (collecting UNEARNED benefits from the
govt and the public) because you refuse to accept
responsibility for yourself and your personal failures. We
could say you were a crack-whore renting your twat-ass out
every 15 minutes to buy your drugs--but then that would mean
you did have a job. And we all know you do NOT have a job.
Plus, calling you were a crack-whore would be demeaning to
crack-whores everywhere.

2016-03-03 17:10:21 UTC
Parasite Gerald Abrahamson aka ***@juno.com gave himself a public enema
and drained the contents of his disturbed and delusional mind and his lower
For starters, you are assuming facts not in evidence. I do have
insurance, but only to cover catastrophic situations.
Fortunately, none
have yet occurred, so I haven't received any of the so-called
payouts" to which you refer.
Oh my !!! "Catastrophic situations" !!
If you believe that he has no health insurance, and at his age
never collected on it, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.
You also have shit for brains. What morons like you believe doesn't
define the reality of my situation. I don't have health insurance,
and the reason is because, unlike you, I'm in perfect health. Now,
you go crawl into a corner and die.
Now we all KNOW you are a parasite AND that you INTEND to
CONTINUE TO BE a parasite on general society (not just on
this newsgroup). You have publicly admitted it.
First, you state you have insurance to cover catastrophic
Second, you state you have NO HEALTH INSURANCE !!!!
You do NOT have the cash or resources to cover a major
medical expenditure (because if you had the money, you would
have health insurance--yet you specifically state you do NOT
have health insurance). Therefore, the ONLY way your major
medical needs ("catastrophic situations") can be met is by
YOU being even MORE of a parasite on general society.
Thus, you have PLANNED to be a PARASITE on society all
along--and you have publicly admitted it.
THAT is applying YOUR definition of "parasite" to YOU.
Bye bye, Parasite....
First of all, in addition to being a pompous asshole, you're a
complete idiot. Secondly, you know nothing at all about my resources.
Thirdly, having health insurance or being a societal parasite are not
the only two options. There are many others. One is a medical savings
account. I'll let you figure out the others, if you can.
Again, you contradict yourself, Parasite.. Now why is that
NOT a surprise.....
Parasite, you don't have any resources. All you have is a
pair of flabby lips at both ends of a long digestive tract.
The "halo" is where your empty head enters your ass.
How do we all KNOW Parasite (you) doesn't have any
resources? A medical savings account (HSA--because you don't
have an FSA) requires insurance to work. You stated you
DON'T have health insurance, thus no HSA or FSA (because FSA
means your EMPLOYER is picking up the tab for that
insurance--but you stated you DON'T have insurance). You do
know what a JOB is, don't you, Parasite? A JOB is what
bought us SSDI. But you don't know what JOB or WORK are.
Parasite (you) may think I am an idiot. That is
Parasite-talk for you being envious of us who were able to
work, find jobs, get paid, and then have the misfortune to
become sick or injured--enough so the govt declared us
eligible for SSDI. Yet you still have your head up your
ass--and you don't get SSDI. Parasite, you may qualify for
SSI (pure welfare, which is Parasite Paradise).
Using your own public claims in this newsgroup, I have
documented you have knowingly planned and desired to be a
parasite on both this newsgroup AND general society. You
have your lips wrapped around multiple govt and societal
teats at all levels--you can't get enough of it. That is the
definition of a "Parasite" (you).
Bye bye, Parasite. Don't let the door hit you in the head on
your way out.
On Sat, 24 Apr 2010 11:46:25 -0500, Twayne
I'm not ready to exterminate anyone. However, I do think that the
gov should pull the plug on all money sucking SSDI parasites who are
either outright criminals or psychotic mental cases who are simply
too f--ing lazy to get a job.
You are The Parasite on society. Go away and stop sucking
off here. You are too lazy to get a job--so you are not
eligible for SSDI. That tells us what we need to know about
you. You get pure welfare. You are a welfare queen.
Unlike you and the other societal parasites here, I actually work for
the money that I receive. But feel free to believe whatever tickles
your twat, moron.
Oh Parasite, you are such a silly Republican't TeaBagger.
Once again, you publicly demonstrate you are clueless--and
document how YOU are a parasite on multiple societies. By
definition, SSDI is insurance (that is the "I" in SSDI--
remember?)--for which one is required to work, be employed,
and to have paid premiums. We fully understand these are
alien concepts to you. Those on SSDI, by definition, can NOT
be parasites (as you are)--their benefits are being
collected because they paid their premiums and became
You collect SSI--pure govt welfare--state/federal/local .
You are being a parasite on these groups AND on society in
general. You CLAIM you work for your money--but SSI is NOT
work--it is WELFARE. You stated you do NOT have health
insurance--which would be supplied by an employer IF you had
a job. Which means you are planning to continue to be a
PARASITE on society (collecting UNEARNED benefits from the
govt and the public) because you refuse to accept
responsibility for yourself and your personal failures. We
could say you were a crack-whore renting your twat-ass out
every 15 minutes to buy your drugs--but then that would mean
you did have a job. And we all know you do NOT have a job.
Plus, calling you were a crack-whore would be demeaning to
crack-whores everywhere.
Meet Geraldine, the real parasite.

Domain Name: IMPEXT.COM
Administrative Contact:
Abrahamson, Gerald
3110 Blaisdell Av #805
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408
(612) 823-9227




